I wonder if he is also a crackhead whose hands also itch to torture some people or it might just be me and the result of Amelia's consumption of drugs that messed me up even before I was born.

Instead of greeting him, I just swept my eyes over him, taking in the way he was dressed, the way he was standing as well as his aura. Basically, my mind was trying to assess him in every way possible to judge him.

I am not judgy, but my mind? It definitely is.

"It's nice to meet you sorella." His voice rich of Italian accent reached my ears and for some reason, it irked me deeply.

Instead of saying anything, all I did was nod, acknowledging his presence.  His appearance screamed money. Hopefully, his appearance has got nothing to do with his personality since I despise stuck up brats who think everyone is a piece of gum beneath their stupidly polished expensive shoes. 

"Well, Ms. Simpson had already packed your things, so you won't have to worry about going back there." Ryder informed me.

"I guess it's time to leave then." My brother exclaimed. Why is he so cheery for an old person? I am already developing a headache. Uhhh.

'We can always do something about that.' That psychopath caged in my mind suggested.

I know I am crazy. But that thing in my mind, always talking to me and trying to take over my mind? It is much worse.

That is the real monster who is always ready and searching for a chance to break out. When it does? It brings havoc. It thrives on blood and chaos. 

Like how it took over and killed Amelia and Jones.

Sorry girl, you are not leaving that place anytime soon. You already snatched the chance of my fun by killing those wretched demons.

"Take care young lady. Don't cause any trouble." Ryder said, before pulling me in a side hug. I stiffened at the sudden contact but did not pull away.

It is just Ryder. The same goof whom you know since that day. He won't do anything. He is our old man whom we trust. I chanted this in my mind, trying to calm the storm that was erupting like a volcano in my mind. That voice in the back of my head? It was encouraging me to hurt him.

I won't hurt him. No matter what, I can't afford to hurt him. He is my people. Someone I can trust. He doesn't deserve to get hurt. When I finally convinced my mind, I lifted my hand and patted his back.

"Don't cry, old man. I am not dying." I said, noticing his wet eyes. 

"Always speak good things." He scolded me, making me roll my eyes.

I wanted to tell him that dying is a good thing. It's better to die than live barely alive. But, I didn't. No one should know what I think or what I know. That's how it's supposed to be. Regardless of anything.

Vincenzo, my brother was watching our interaction with so much focus like we were some chemical equations that doesn't make sense.

I made my way out of the waiting area and headed outside with my brother tailing behind me. On our way, many other officers bid me farewell like I knew them. Wait, did I know them? It doesn't seem like it.

'I know them.' That voice interfered again. Of course, you do. Causing trouble is your forté.

"You seem to be close with that officer." My brother, whom I forgot was with me, said.

"He is...good people." I didn't say or elaborate to him. I don't have to.

He kept quiet instead of saying something and I preferred his silence, because why should I waste my energy over a person who doesn't matter to me? 

‘No one matters to us except them.’ The psycho reminded me. As if I would ever forget that.

No way will I ever fail to recall that. My whole existence has only one aim. Them.

"Let's get in the car. We need to get to the airport." He said after loading the last of my stuff in the car. He opened the door to the passenger seat, closing it after I sat down. Then he took his seat behind the staring wheel.

Throughout the ride, he attempted to make a conversation with me, only to get no response. In other words, he was having a conversation with himself.

Either he was unaware of my disinterest or he intentionally ignored it. Whatever may be the reason, he was making me irritated.

Irritated is never good. Not for me, but for the person irritating me. It wouldn't have matter if it was someone else. But so far, Vincenzo is innocent.

We don't hurt innocent. I would never do that. I may be a lunatic, but I never hurt innocent. That's an oath I never intend to break.

Although, I never promised anything about hurting someone with my words. They are better than a knife in some cases.

"Vincent?" I said, intentionally taking his name wrong.

"It's Vincenzo. And yes?" He looked delighted that I finally spoke up.

"Shut up." 


A\N: In next chapter, she will finally meet others. Also, I am really enjoying writing this.

Important question...did you find the Vanessa in the dreams and this crazy vanessa a little different? 

Anyways, how was the chapter? Did you like it?

Any question that you may want to ask? Did you observe something?

Bye, see ya in the next chapter <3



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