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||Mini Field||

The match between both teams commences. For this match, Isagi, Bachira and Nagi are Team White. Similarly, their Blue Lock Man is white to represent their team.

On the other hand, you, Rin and Aryu are Team Red, the teams Blue Lock Man being red to represent the team.

"The match will happen in a mini field with an area of 40×30 meters! The goal size is also reduced!"

"The goalkeeper for both sides will be a Blue Lock Man with the exact same specs!"

"Those who win will be able to steal a member from the opposite team and advance to the next. And the team who loses will be a member short and go back one stage."

"3 vs 3, first to 5 goals! The rivalry battle of the 2nd selection and third stage!!"

"So our Blue Lock Man is white. Since we're team white I guess." Nagi placed his hands on his hips.

"He's overflowing with cyberness! Let's go, master!" Bachira saluted.

||Change Of POV||

'It won't matter if the opponent is a higher ranker...' I stretch my arms as my gaze is fixated on the opposite team.

I want to test my power against these guys... who're Blue Lock's rank 1, 2 and 3!!

I'll win and make him one of us!

||Y/N: Never felt this betrayed before in my two life.||

"Hey again~" You lean onto the goal post as you gave a smirk to the Blue Lock Man.

"Cut it out. The match's about to start." Rin spoke.

"Aye, aye, underlashes junior!" You saluted.

"......." Rin ignored the nickname you made for him.

Kick off!

Isagi has the ball and passes it to Bachira.

"Let's go~" Bachira traps the ball.

"You deal with him, L/N." Aryu assigns.

"Gotcha." You ran in front of Bachira to guard him.

"The Blue Lock Ranking is just the order we passed the first stage, right? I won't be getting scared!" He began scissoring in a fast speed.

"You've gotten better, Bachira..." You watch him dribble in amusement.

"Hehe... Thanks, L/N!" Bachira raise his leg up and kick the ball into the air.

"!?" His eyes widen when his ball got stolen by you.

"It is the position and movement that's important, huh?" With a smooth ball control, you got the ball in your grasp.

"I'll take this then~♪" You ran off with the ball.

"Stylish!" Aryu complimented as he also went full on offensive.

"Shit-! Fall back!!" Isagi shouted.

There's just one person who hasn't been moving much.

"......." Rin ran behind as he watches the whole thing unfolds.

"!" You were surprise to find Nagi caught up to you.

"I'm not letting you... score a goal..." Nagi declares.

"L/N, over here!!" Aryu calls out.

"!!" Your eyes moved to Aryu and decided to pass.

You turn your body slightly, but just when you were about to pass...

'Huh...?' Your eyes widens from shock.

"!?" Your eyes moved to your outer foot that automatically kicked the ball away.

"?!!" Nagi reacted quick and chase after the ball.

Was it accidental, or was it on purpose?

Even Nagi can't tell.

The ball is heading straight at the goal, yet it seemed as if you didn't mean to do that.

The ball flied in the goal at exactly the top left.


"You've got to be kidding me.... Scoring from that distance.." Nagi commented.

"That was really stylish!" Aryu ran over and patted your head.

"I... didn't plan to do that... But I scored a goal....?" You were still confused on why you did that, but since you scored a goal, everything is good.

"Seems like L/N evolved a whole lot in the first stage..!" Bachira states.

"We can still beat them!" Isagi determinedly told.

"Hah..." Rin let out a sigh, earning everyone's attention.

"Enough. I just about got it... Your level..." Rin remained unconcerned like always.

"...is so lukewarm I feel like dying." Rin look at the ground, looking disappointed.

"Even me? Ouch." You pointed at yourself, Aryu's hand still on your hand as you speak.

"Tolerable enough, I suppose." Rin stated, making you surprise.

'Holy shit....' You're bragging about this... definitely.

'Tolerable enough', is an insult coming from others, but if it's coming from Rin, it's a marriage proposal.

"You guys still think that fighting with this one ball is only nothing but a sport, right?" Rin continue his speech to diss people off.

"Can you seriously just disappear.... This is a battlefield." He declares.

"You guys are now showing your backs against soldiers with guns. That's why I'm saying you're lukewarm." Rin send a glare at the confused players.

After Rin's declaration, he tilts his body and attempts a score. Although he was far from the goal, the ball's spin compensated for it.

No one saw it coming. Although Nagi and Bachira wanted to stop the ball, their feet were glued to the floor. They could only watch the ball go past them.

Similarly, the Blue Lock Man also failed to stop the ball. Thus, the scores are now 2-0.

"Eh. Is that allowed?" Nagi approach Bachira.

"Totally allowed. But... it would not work normally..." Bachira answers with a smile.

"Hey. That was way too stylish. Don't go doing that without telling me." Aryu said as you clap your hands in the background.

"I keep saying this... but I don't care at all." Rin reminded.

"Whether you are a companion or an enemy... To me, you guys are just lukewarm mobs.."

"Let's end this already. This is seriously just a waste of time." He states.

"Wait the fuck up. I'm also betting my life to be here, y'know. I'm playing soccer for the sake of my dream, same as you." Isagi confronted.

"Dream? It's not such a lukewarm peaceful things like that." Rin told after hearing Isagi's words.

"The act of losing in soccer, is the same as losing one's reason to exist. The same as dying." He elaborates.

"Soccer is a death match, as far as I'm concerned." Rin concluded.

"Guy's nuts, huh." Aryu commented.

"Brother issue at its max." You whisper to Aryu.

"Yep." He agreed.

"That guy... seems pretty bothersome..." Nagi pointed out.

"Ha. What a weird guy..." Bachira commented.

"Just come already so I can kill you. Your lukewarm ball kicking game will end here." Rin ended with.


A/N: Exam is coming up soon and I'll take two weeks off!

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