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"......." The hallway is quiet, only your footsteps can be heard.

'My weapon.... what is my weapon... Reflex? Does that count? Stamina? Doesn't sound that impressive.... Let's see here...' You thought, aware of how late it is to be thinking what your weapon is but you don't give a damn.

'Speed: average; Shoot: average; Dribble: Better than average; Forget about passing, my timing sucks..... I have no hope do I?' You let out a sigh of disappointment.

'Eh, it's not like I expected much anyway. It's a miracle I even made it this far.' You shrugged it off.

"!?" You squinted your eyes when the door slid open, the room being extremely bright for some reason.

'Jesus, is that you? Am I finally going to heaven? Even after all I've did?' You close your eyes completely.

When you walk in the room, the dramatic light disappeared.

"I knew it. This world is fucking cruel after all!" You grumble out with furrowed brows.

'An empty room... A ball should pop out of nowhere any time now...' You look around the white room.

"-!" A ball was suddenly shot towards you which you almost missed.

You stand in the center of the square room, staring at the hologram in front of you.

"Damn~ Blue Lock Man got some good figure here~" Your eyes narrowed as you smirk.

Suddenly, the panels behind the holograms reflect a goal net. You notice that the image on the ground is moving. Its area is gradually decreasing.

"!" You realised the situation.

Apparently, inside the square room is a simulation of a soccer game. To be precise, the situation simulated is a player who is right in front of the goalkeeper. And, without moving an inch beyond the image projected on the ground, you must be able to score a goal after the other.

After assessing the situation, You attempt to score a goal.

"How annoying..." You forced a smile when the hologram managed to block your shot.

You promised your totally not gangster vibe friend that you will see him again, and you will keep that promise!

After a while, you look up in the square room. There you notices a screen with a timer. Written on a screen is the number of goals you have to clear and the time you have left.

During this moment, you need to score 100 goals in less than 90 minutes to clear the first stage. With that said, the first stage is a test to evaluate the player's ego during solo fights, particularly when in front of the goal.

"Yikes..." A drop of sweat formed on your cheek.

Likewise, this stage emphasizes the necessity for a powerful weapon.

For you to clear the first stage, you must pass by relying on your skills alone.

Shortly after, a panel from the square room opens. This signaled an incoming ball.

You look at the ball.... not doing anything other than that. No assessing, no nothing. You look over to the field, and after trapping the ball, one swift of a kick is all it took for the ball to fly towards the goal.


"That's not the place..." Your eyes narrowed.

The place where you originally wanted to shoot at was higher and more perfect.

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