Episode 32

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It's the fifth month and the boys are applying for extended stay, Jin is determined to make sure everyone goes home as one unit. While they were sorting out their documents, Janette came knocking on their door,

"There's a problem at the hospital, it's Yoongi hyung"

The boys scramble to their feet, rushing to open the door of the spare office they were in to see a disturbed Janette at the door,

"What happen?"

"He woke up but is on a killing spree, they're trying to sedate him as we speak"

"Jimin, Hoseok go. We will be there in a bit"

The two need not be told twice as they shot out the door with Janette right behind. They didn't really care about their attire, clothes is clothes even if its long pajamas. The ride to the hospital was wild as Janette men cleared the way for her through the busy streets.

Reaching the emergency door, they were stopped by a group of police,

"You cannot enter, there is a dangerous man  inside and we are doing all we can to capture him"

"Let us in we know what we're doing"

"I'm sorry sir b-"


"Don't be a bastard officer Slone. Let them in"

"Q-queen, yes of course"

The doors opened and when they entered, it was a massacre, doctors, nurses, some guards and medics were either dead or fighting for their life and those who were not attacked were trying their best to help.

"We have to split but Janette stay here incase he runs out."

Yoongi may seem lazy but he's quite light on his feet when it comes to taking down his target. And the two boys has a major task on their hands, the hospital Yoongi is warded in has seven floors, his floor is the third but seeing that he came to the ground floor means either he's working his way from the ground up or has already taken care of the other floors. Yoongi has turned into a headache for the boys.

While roaming the second floor on the search for him, Jimin met with his doctor who is trembling in fear,

"Hey, you ok?"

Jimin observed the doctor to see if there were any injuries and was grateful that there were none,

"He just woke up, like in those movies you know. Eyes and everything, I knew s-something was wrong, his look he had this look and before you knew it... Blood, screams, blood curdling screams. How can someone kill with a needle, how is that possible"

Jimin watched an listened as the doctor recalled everything and spiraling out of his mind.
Jimin knew Yoongi was skilled with a knife, obviously because that's his chosen weapon but now it seems once the object itself is sharp, Yoongi can do and use anything.
Jimin felt eyes on him, strong murderous eyes as he helped the doctor to a secure room while pulling out his phone to call Hoseok,


"His eyes are on me and I can't tell where, the two of us can't do this alone."

"Where are you?"

"Second floor room 283, his doctor is having a break down Hobi. He broke his doctor"

"Ok I'm coming and I'll call the boys"

Jimin hung up as he made the doctor sit and gather himself. It's a waiting game now as he doesn't want to play hide and seek with their sneaky kitty. While waiting he observed the corridor as much as the tiny door window would allow, he could even feel Yoongis presence nearby.

This is a first for all of them, witnessing how Yoongi in a dazed state kill so many in a short space of time.
There is always two sides to a coin, but this side they hope, would never be shown again unless it's a requirement.
The others areived and they are armed with tasers and stun guns, if what the doctor said a few months ago is true then they would need all the electrodes they can get, enough to put him down temporarily.

Jimin phone rings,

"How far are you?"

"We're now exiting the elevator"

'What the hell!' [Taehyung could be heard in the background]

"He's close by, I know it. My room 283 if yo-"

Jimin words were cut when he saw a shadow briskly pass his door, heading to the same elevator that the others came from,

"He's fast get ready!"

Were his last words as he heard the taser set off and Yoongi grunting as he fell.
Yoongi was placed on a bed on another room handcuffed to the bed side railing, his doctor, very reluctant about treating him, found the courage to do so when he heard about Yoongis history.
Janette dealt with the police and the media while the others were in Yoongis room watching him wake up tiredly,


"Hey your self, how you feel?"

Jin asked as he got closer,

"Like I ran a marathon, I hate marathons"

"You did a marathon alright, sixty people dead, twenty three severely wounded"


"Yeah you were a menace"

"A phyco" [Namjoon]

"A killing machine" [Taehyung]

"Terminator" [Jungkook]

Everyone in the room agreed with Jungkook as it was the closest to what Yoongi actually acted like,

"Is that why I am currently handcuffed?"

"Be lucky is hands cuff and not in a mental institution or jail with no bail awaiting death"


"You went wild with a needle, cat. A god damn needle. And when you were tasered, you had a scalper in you hand!" [Jimin]

Yoongi sat there completely lost,

"I don't remember any of it... I remember the migraine, hearing the doctor say something about a bag, then I felt a massive shock and now here"

"Big Cat... You were in a coma for five months now, we thought you weren't going to wake up!" [Jungkook]

The boys brought Yoongi up to speed while the doctor and nurses tend to Yoongi burn marks from the taser. The door opened to reveal Janette, she was happy that Yoongi is doing better and wanted to woo him into the mafia she rules, causing Jin to oppose strongly causing the siblings to nag each other about it, but one thing for sure is, when they return to Korea, they would have to monitor Yoongi a bit more. Trouble seems to like him alot.

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