Episode 3

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Yoongi has been back and forth alot, it's hard to be civil in an uncivilized city, especially being an office worker. He has dyed his hair, white for some strange reason, claiming it was what he felt like.
His sex buddy Hoseok, an IT technician during the day and a paid hacker by night, often meet for lunch when they go to their separate jobs.

Yoongi was on his way to meet Hoseok, they had some important things to discuss. While waiting to cross the street, he saw a man, skin like porcelain and his hair matched his plump lips, pink! Yoongi took a step back, away from the bustle of rushing people. Standing by the newspaper stand that may collapse from a strong wind any minute now, he observed, three earings, two on one and one on the other, slightly shorter than him, body looks healthy and well toned, well dressed, two rings, one on each index, he looks delicate but somehow dangerous.

On the other side of the street, Jimin could feel a stare on his back as he made his way to the cafe, he is desperately needing a latte with a cream cheese bagel. He wants to see where the stare is coming from but he has to wait until he is inside. Placing his order he stood behind a potted plastic plant that is to big for the esthetic the cafe was giving, he scanned across the street and spot the pair of eyes, well shades.
A white haired male, he looks plain, work attire under his long coat that matches well with the colors, heeled boots, nice choice but something is off about him and that mystery is what having Jimin in a wonder about this man who is waiting to see him exit the cafe. Something is drawing Jimin in with this man and that never happened before!

Being snapped out of his thoughts by the lady calling his name for his order, he collected and walked out as if he was completely unaware of the staring person across the street. His black car waiting for him as well as his butler who had just opened the door, Jimin played it cool as he looked around then looked in the direction of the man that took his attention, he is still there, watching with his head tilted to the right a bit. Trying to keep eye contact, a slew of people walked and blocked his view a bit, when they diminished a bit, he was gone, the white haired male just disappeared and Jimin took it as his queue to jump in his vehicle.

Yoongi had his lunch at their usual place, the conversation however was fully loaded with disappointment,

"What are you saying hobi, that I killed someone's target?"

"Yes and somehow they got a partial image of you in the alleyway yoongs"


"No, I saw it last night. Dude you fucked up this one. That girl you slaughtered, already had a beam on her head and you snuffed her out before the person did and what I saw online... They've put a hefty bounty to find you"

"No shit"

"You have to lay low"

"I will not"

"Your funeral, but who would I get my sex from when your chilling in hell man?"

"What the fuck?"

"I'm just asking... For a friend"

"Man fuck you and your fetishes, you know I only fuck after a kill"

"And you fuck so well... Don't die"

Hoseoks last statement made both of them pause and then they started to laugh, it's amazing really, how one accepts the other with all their flaws and made a great friendship out of it,

"How about a club tonight"

"I have better things to do"

"My treat!"

"No, this lunch is your treat"

"Ugh, Yoongi!"

"I'm not going"

"Yo, you're coming. Who knows, you might find a prey and I might get a good fuck!"

Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows,

"From me? Or a random stranger?"

"Both, they can't do like you do big boy, so my pre-stretch will be them"


"What the fuck man!"

"Ok, I'll go, if you put the plug in and leave it there till I'm ready for you, how about - "


"You're enthusiasm for sex is quite questionable"

"Just shut up! I'll let you know the time we hit it later. Finish your meal, my lunch is almost over"

The rest of the day was slow and practically unworthy to continue after their lunch meet, so Yoongi decided to bail out from his job early, three hours early. It's not like they would say anything about it anyway, he gets the job done so it doesn't really matter to them if he rides out. Once his job is complete he could do whatever he wants.

He's by a bar, tie loose on his neck as he takes another sip of his beer from tap, it's always better from tap. His mind ran on the pink haired male he saw earlier today, maybe Hoseok would love to have him as a toy or maybe not. It's the first time he's seen this man in his city, is he new or just passing through? Whatever it is, Yoongi wants to see him again.

Jimin didn't go home, it wasn't his intension anyways. After calling Jin and letting him know that he would pass through by him instead, he made his way up to Jins apartment. The ding of the elevator telling him that he has reached his floor took him out of his daze, he's been lacking, a while now and he needs good sex. Something that resets his system, properly.
Knocking the door of the apartment, he waited and was greeted by a dimpled smile,

"H-hey! I didn't know you were back man!"

"Came back last night, he called me and his words were incoherent, so yeah."

"Yeah, it's bad, real fucking bad. Where is he?"

"Kitchen, come on"

Namjoon, Kim Namjoon, husband to the deathnote named Seokjin. They've been married for three years now and together for six. Namjoon was Seokjins third target and somewhere in the mix, his target stole his heart,

"Who was it?"

"It's me, just me"

"Hey shortie, what are you doing here?"

Jimin always hated being addressed by his height and Namjoon was trying his hardest to hold his laugh,

"Shut it! Let's go clubbing tonight"

"My baby just got home and you're taking me from him.. Umm no"

"Just a few hours, you can leave when I disappear"

"Wow! That's really convincing!" Jins sarcasm was just rolling off his tongue and his husband was just sitting by the kitchen table admiring the friendship they have,

"Babe, you could go. Besides I still have some work to do, so while you're out I'll get it done and by the time you're back..." Namjoon stood up and walked over to Jin, lifting his chin with his finger, "You'll be mine for the taking"

"Ugh, get a room"

"We're in a room. It just so happen that you're in it too!"

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