Episode 5

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Morning has arrived, well more like midday and the three are still asleep snuggled together with Yoongi in the middle. This is a first for him, actually there are many firsts for him. One of them is having sex without having to kill someone first, kissing and the other, a sleep over. Jimin was the first to wake, his body is sore but it felt oh so good, he dared not move to wake the two, he enjoyed the view,

"I could get used to this... But on a bigger bed" he whispers to himself, throat still sore from all the screaming he did into the wee hours of the morning. Tracing his fingers along Yoongis chin a light blush primed his face then,

"Good morning", Hoseok deep and husky morning voice startled Jimin a bit,

"Shhhh! Good morning, he's still asleep!"

"No I'm not"

"Shit!" (Jimin)

"Fuck!" (Hoseok)

"Your sneaky sneaky shit has to stop man! Scared the hell out of us! "

"Get off, you're generating alot of heat"

"What about a good morning?"

"Good morning, now get off"

"Grumpy cat"

Getting off the bed and changing the sheets, the boys did their morning routine, together. That's another thing Yoongi has never done, but it felt right!
Everyone is in the living room now on their phones, checking emails and messages. Jimins phone started to ring and he b-lined for the bathroom,


"Where were you last night"

"I'll explain later"

"No, you explain now itty-bitty"

"Look I'm still at their apartment ok"

"Their? There's a their? Plural!"

"I'll explain later ok Jin eomma!"

"This little bit-", Jin cut the call on him.
He has plenty questions to answer and he is not feeling to do that anytime soon. His phone buzzed and it shows that his target has been sent.
It's a man, he looks about fifty years of age and his attire shows he has some affiliation with the government or maybe something bigger, stepping out of the bathroom while checking the target information on his phone, he heard,

"Last night was wild, sorry for kissing. I know that was off the table for you"

"It's ok. For some reason I liked it"

Jimin stopped in his tracks and stood by the wall as he listened,

"You keeping him?"

"Yes, there's something about him. Gets my dick hard and I feel there's a mystery to him too. Whatever it is he's mine"

"Are you going to tell him?"

That got Jimins attention, Yoongi also has a secret,

"I don't know yet. Not everyone can handle it, remember it took you a while"

"It took me a while, because I never thought I'd find someone demented like me so quick! I thought you were a fluke!"

Jimin is confused now, who the hell are these two, what has he gotten himself into?

"Whatever, let's just keep it to ourselves until I see fit ok. I claimed both of you last night and I intend to do it again"

Jimin had heard enough and strolled out the room doing what he was doing before, checking the information on his phone making the two go silent. Scrolling down the target file he saw that there's an expiration date,

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