Episode 10

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Yoongis mind was trapped between a rock and a hard place with his thoughts. Should he head to Jins first or his home, should he call Jimin, Namjoon or Hoseok first, should he say that he figured out who the targets are or stay quiet, or should he just say it all and that one of his targets is his family?
With the amount of thoughts that is roaming through his head, his feet was taking him home, to his home, apparently his body knows best compared to his scattered mind.

He's in his apartment complex, walking down the hallway to his apartment where music is being blasted. What?
Standing in front his door he could hear clearly the bass being pounded, is that 'pumped up kicks'? Those two are weird, but no surprise, you attract who you are!

Yoongi opened the door to see Taehyung dancing to the song while Jungkook was making sandwiches in his somewhat oblivious bliss, sensing someone was behind him, he turn his head only, glaring over his shoulder while he took a firm hold of the knife in his hand,

"It's just me!"

Jungkook tension eased and continued his brilliant work of making sandwiches,

"Your fridge is empty"

"By the looks of it, the both of you did a fine job of doing that... Are you both ok?"

"We're fine"

"Whats up with him?" Yoongi pointed at Taehyung who was enjoying the music, ignoring the two in the kitchen,

"He dances and fucks when he gets a near death experience"

"You say that so easily... Then again I'm not one to judge.. Wait, you didn't fuck in here did you?"

"I'm not sure if I should kiss and tell" Jungkook said as he raised his pierced eyebrow giving a smirk while licking the sauce from his thumb.

Yoongi felt betrayed somehow, someone else marked their territory in his apartment, now he doesn't know what has or hasn't been touched.

Jin entered his apartment, completely pissed, with a slam of the door,

"Jimin! Out here right now!"

Jimin ran when he heard his legal name called so roughly,

"Jin what's the matter?"

"Your pet, is buddies with my targets!"


"You fucking heard me. That cat of yours was casually hanging out with my targets, even helped them escape their death"

Jimin was beyond shocked and took a slow seat on a stool by the bar island while Jin pulled a bottle of whiskey from the glass cabinet along with two glasses,

"You better figure out what the hell is going on Jimin otherwise I will kill all of them, no hesitation, no questions, no nothing"
Jin said as he poured two glasses and handed one to Jimin, both of them gulping the huge amount in one go.

Jin left him at the counter and made his way to his bedroom and on his way he passed Hoseok who was leaving the guest room,

"Who took his candy?"


"Did kitty kill his targets first, does he get bragging rights?"

"No, he saved them"


"You heard me, our 'kitty', is a fucking sneaky cat that likes to save his vic-"
Hoseoks phone began to ring while Jimin was speaking, the caller id shows that it was Yoongi,

"Yoongi, what the actual-", Hoseok started but was cut by Yoongi,

"Come home, I'll explain"

"Like hell you are! Hoseok isn't leaving here and neither am I. So come here and explain so your head wouldn't be blown off!", click!
Jimin didn't give anyone the time to say anything on the phone as he said what he said and hung up. Now it's a waiting game.

It's a first for Yoongi, as a matter of fact, Yoongi has had alot of firsts with Jimin, he never kissed during sex, never cuddled, never listen to demands. But now he has done all of that and on top of it, he's following Jimins commands like a puppy!

Yoongi is muttering under his breath as he made his way to Jins penthouse with 'Bunny and Clyde' in tow. Explaining, he hates it. Excessive talking, he hates that too and now he has to do both, damn.
Knocking the door, he was met with Hoseok and a peeping Jimin. Namjoon was somewhere in the apartment and Jin was just about to head to the kitchen, Yoongi entered first, cautiously obviously as he knew the culprit of the shooting was Jin.

The two boys followed after him and they were in awe of the apartments design,

"Stay here, don't move ok?", Yoongi instructed and the two did as told, from what yYoongi had explained to them while they were making their way over, they knew it's best for Yoongi to talk first.
As he turned, he was faced with a menacing looking Jimin,

" Who are they? "

" My cousin and his boyfriend"

"Who are they?"

"I jus-"

"Who are they!"

"They are the intended targets"

"For fuck sakes Yoongs!"

Jimin was about to say something, but heard the clicking of a gun and Yoongi immediately stood in front the two boys,

"You're protecting them?" Jin held up the gun while he spoke in disbelief, unable to fathom what he just saw,

"They are my family, what's left of it. I have disowned my mother as she never stood up for me, Jungkook and Namjoon were the only ones who were there for me"

"Jungkook? Is that his name?"


"Tell me why I shouldn't put a hole in the three of you"

Yoongi gave his reason, from start to end. How Jungkook helped him, cared for him when he ran from home many times. Stopped him from committing suicide and brought him out of his negative space with the help of Namjoon.
By the time he was done, Jin felt bad for his actions and Namjoon felt sorry that he wasn't there more, Hoseok knew about his past and hated the fact that Yoongi had to painfully recite it again while Jimin just wanted to hold him.

All seven are now in the 'now what' phase, each trying to figure out what to do next, Jin is lenient, but how are they to produce two bodies that fit their description and not only that, they would have to switch states if they want to continue their lifestyle, a state that none of them had even been in, their names, features and occupations would have to change and they would have to leave individually. Things has gotten out of hand really quickly because on one individual!

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