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"But I'm just helping you with content." I countered.

"Well, now you're not. You are pairing up with Max to drive up to Manchester. The viewers have missed you." Lando stated and from his tone, I knew that I could not debate with Lando on this one. I looked at Max just to find out that he was already looking at me. I was hoping that Max would say something, but he didn't. Lando had his mind set and I did not like it at all. His actions was giving hidden agendas. Max and I have always kept our distance when filming, wanting to keep our relationship secret and we always watched the videos before uploading it up to YouTube to make sure there aren't any 'moments' between us in the video. I have read a few comments on some videos of people saying they sensed something between Max and I, but we kept them guessing. "Well, let's go. Start the cameras!"

Aarav took over for introduction, it wasn't that long, they're all used to it now. "It is 5 past 9 in the morning at the moment and we are targeting to be at Manchester by 1 the latest, get lunch and muck around before driving back. So today I'll be with Ria, Ethan with Steve, Niran with Lando, and last but not least, Max with Soleil. Yes guys, she is back for today! We would be changing drivers half way, except Steve because I don't think Ethan should be on the roads. Any volunteers on who's driving the first stint?"

Max volunteered to drive first between the both of us. He still remembered that I preferred night drives over day, he didn't have to tell me that I would be driving the last stretch. We took a group selfie to be posted in Quadrant's social media, which I was in charge for today.

team_quadrant: *attached: 1 image* quality content coming real soon!

We all got in the car, where cameras were set up on each side, facing Max and I. We both knew that we could speak freely because we've had the producers and editors an NDA for our relationship, and we both knew that it still applies until now.

"It's nice to have you back."

"Thanks. OMG! Steve got a head start! Max fucking start the car!"

Max started the car and looked to his side of the camera, "This is what I am going to be dealing with for at least 8 hours."

"Hey! It goes both ways. We're literally behind at Steve and Lando at the moment. That's 3 out of 4 cars. You have to overtake Lando!" I ranted and looked over to his mirrors, being able to see a part of it, "That lane's empty, go go go!"

"You're too competitive."

"Aren't we all?" I guess Charles' competitiveness rubbed off on me. Max changed lanes and sped up, overtaking Steve and Ethan. "Don't you feel bad for Steve? Ethan's literally on provisional license. Steve probably would not feel safe when it's Ethan's turn."

Max laughed, "I reckon Ethan's only going to drive for an hour, two max."

"Poor Steve."

Being in a 1990 car, the only way to listen to music was to turn on the radio or blast it from your phone. As Max was driving, he lent me his phone to play some songs for the road and when it's my turn, we'll be using my phone.

"So, when did you and Charles started dating?"

"Uh, around the Australian Grand Prix."

"Don't worry, Lando told me."

"Told you..." I trailed off, glancing at him, trying to figure out if he was thinking what I was thinking.

He looked at me for a split second, making sure that his eyes were still on the road, "Told me."

And that was the confirmation I needed. I wasn't even mad that Lando told Max, the only thing on my mind was winning this "race" to Manchester and back. Steve and Ethan were still leading because Steve cheated and got a headstart from that.

PR Disaster - Charles Leclercजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें