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"I believe you did, Crofty." Lissie answered and I did not dare to look over to the projector.

"Ah and here she is, the cameraman knows what must be done. To all of you viewers, a Soleil Senna, the daughter of the Ayrton Senna. Definitely a familiar face in the paddock. And rumor is that she and Charles Leclerc are getting close." David Croft said.

"Yes Charles, she got the comms."

"Ok good."

The lap times started to come in, with Fernando on top at the moment with Aston Martin, followed by Lance Stroll. My phone started buzzing with notifications. Knowing what it was, I turned my do not disturb on. Charles really put me in the spotlight and honestly, I did not enjoy it. Having a dad like mine, the spotlight follows you as you grow up, and it was exhausting.

"Lance Stroll coming up to second! Crazy improvement on closing his gap between his teammate!" Lissie said over the speakers.

"Max Verstappen crosses the line, let's see what time he put in," David Croft said, "And oh! He is back on top, pushing Russell out from third!"

"Coming from the Ferrari garage, Carlos Sainz is the first driver to set his time!"

I looked over to the left side of the garage, seeing Carlos' car being brought out. All eyes were on him now. His engineer was talking through the comms, with all of us listening intently. Shortly after, with Carlos half away across the track, Charles was out of the garage.

"Now mode push. Mode push, Charles." Said Nicholas.

"Copy." And the engine roared.

I started biting my nail, a bad habit I couldn't seem to let go when I'm anxious or simply nervous. Arthur's jaw tensed up, telling me that he too, was nervous for Charles.

"Russell coming back to snatch top two!"

The crowd starting cheering, "And Fernando now out of the top three! Replaced by Carlos Sainz."

"Charles Leclerc fastest in sector one! Let's see how his lap plays out!"

"Fastest in sector two too, Crofty. This is looking really good for Ferrari."

"You are not wrong, Lissie. One more sector to go," David paused, waiting Charles to finish his lap, "And Charles Leclerc, fastest on all sectors! The reigning world champion is now on provisional pole!"

The camera went to the grand stand, filled with Ferrari fans in red, cheering and waving their flags. I let out a breath of relief, giving Arthur a huge smile.

"Stay out, Charles, stay out." Nicholas said.


Both Ferrari cars stayed out, making sure they are ready to go again if need be. Lando placed himself second, a phenomal drive, said Lissie, kicking Carlos out of the top three. I cheered for Lando quietly as I saw his name on second. Q1 continued smoothly without any red flags, with Charles still on provisional pole.

Q1 ended with Max on pole, Charles second, and Carlos third. Both drivers stayed in the car as the five minute break commenced.

"We will not be changing tyres. I repeat, we will not be changing tyres."



Both Carlos and Charles are on medium compounds, with them trying to push it to Q3 without changing them if it was possible. Arthur and I watched Q2 in silence, with different cars coming on top three all the time for the start of the season.

My mind must have zoned out into my own thoughts because the next thing I heard was Charles shouting through the comms.

"P2, Charles. P2." Nicholas repeated. "We were close."

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