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"Charles." Jeremiah said. He cleared his throat, "I'll finish this up quickly, and I'll give it back to you yeah?"

"Thank you." I gave him a quick smile while still trying to process what Charles did. "Really?" I asked as Jeremiah walked away.

"He was flirting with you. And based on the media, and what we told Maria, you're pretty much mine."

My heart skipped a beat as my eyes widen, blinking a few times to process his words. Pretty much mine. "What you told Maria."

Charles arms were still around me, "Well, chérie, what's done is done."

"I'm back to hating you."

"Aw, you two are moving to the PDA stage now?" Carlos asked as he stood in front of Charles with George Russell, making me turn around again.

"Told you, Carlos. I called it since karting days. Hey Senna."

Called what?

"Hey, George."

"George, what are you doing here?" Charles questioned, changing the subject.

"Had to go bathroom." George answered.

"Your garage is just two down from ours."

"Couldn't hold it in, mate."

"Sol, that would a good Twitter post." Charles prompted, while laying his chin on my shoulder.

"Hm, you're not wrong. George, you mind?"

"Not at all, photos away." I took my phone out as George smiled for the camera.

"At George Russell 63 is the type of person who goes to other team's toilets." I said out loud as I was typing, "Posted."

George's phone's notification went ding as I tagged him in the tweet, "Always the grind, huh?"

"You know it, George."

"Well, I better head back before Toto sees the tweet." And George walked back to Mercedes' garage.

Carlos gave the both of us a look, "You two are really playing into it. The entire paddock is talking, trust me."

"Two birds with one stone, Carlos." Charles replied and Carlos' eyes went to Charles' arms, that were still around my waist.

"Uh huh," Was the only thing that Carlos said while smirking before walking away to have a chat with his engineer.

"You scared Jeremiah away." I whined, turning to him once more.

He finally let go and laughed, "No, not him."

"What?! Why not! He's not bad!" I must admit, Jeremiah was cute, but I couldn't really compare him to Charles. Charles is known for his looks, it comes second to his driving.

"You have me."

"Have." I said, with my fingers doing the quotation sign up in the air.

"You do," Charles stated, "And it's too early anyways, the media just learned about us. I need them away, and you need to keep creating content for us."

PR Disaster - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now