Rudra sensed her unease, and for the time being, he didn't push further. He was content just having her presence for the time being, even if it was reluctant on her part.

Their meals arrived, and they ate in silence for a while. Despite her apprehension, Pihu couldn't deny that the food was delicious. Rudra seemed content to let her eat in peace, and for that, she was grateful.

As they finished their lunch, Rudra glanced at his watch. "Time's up," he said with a playful smile. "One hour, just as promised."

Pihu couldn't deny the small rush of relief she felt at the prospect of leaving. She was grateful for the temporary reprieve from the intensity of their encounter, but she knew she couldn't let her guard down for long.

As they left the restaurant, Rudra surprised her again, this time with a small bouquet of her favorite flowers. "These are for you," he said, holding them out to her with a gentleness that seemed out of character.

Pihu's heart skipped a beat, torn between the beauty of the gesture and the underlying unease it evoked. "I hope you like them," Rudra added, his eyes studying her reaction.

"Thank you," Pihu managed to say, her voice a little shaky. She took the flowers, holding them delicately, unsure of what to make of this new side of Rudra.

As they drove back to her apartment, Pihu couldn't shake the lingering sense of uncertainty but unable to stop herself from stealing glances at Rudra. His usually intense demeanor seemed lighter today, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he was deliberately trying to appear more approachable. She wondered if this is one of his manipulative tactics or if there was a genuine side to him that she hadn't seen before.

But she knew that she couldn't let herself be swayed by Rudra's occasional charm. Beneath the surface, she knew he was still the same dangerous and possessive man she had come to fear.

Once back at her apartment, Pihu stepped out of the car, the bouquet of flowers a bittersweet reminder of their lunch together. "Goodbye, Mr. Rathore," she said, trying to maintain a composed façade.

Rudra reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from her face and kiss her forehead, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. "Until next time, My Pearl," he said, his voice low and possessive.

As she watched him drive away, Pihu took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. The encounter had left her feeling more on edge than ever, and she knew that her escape plan needed to be more urgent than ever before.














The doorbell chime echoed through Pihu's apartment. Her heart skipped a beat as she hurried to answer it, a smile already tugging at the corners of her lips. With a sense of anticipation, she swung the door open, and there stood Shaurya, a familiar and comforting presence in her life.

"Come in, Shaurya," Pihu greeted, her smile genuine and warm.

Shaurya stepped inside, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Pihu. Despite the seriousness of his job as a police officer, his interactions with Pihu and Shivani brought a different kind of lightness to his life.

From her bedroom, Shivani's voice called out, "Who is it, Pihu?"

Shaurya leaned against the wall, his voice carrying a hint of amusement, "It's me."

Shivani emerged from the bedroom, her face brightening at the sight of Shaurya. "Hey, Shaurya! Good to see you. Why didn't you come these past two days?"

"Hey, Shivani," he replied with a warm smile, "I apologize for that. I had a few meetings to attend, trying to solve some ongoing cases. But to make up for it, I've brought ice cream for you both."

The mention of ice cream instantly lit up both Pihu and Shivani's faces, and they chorused, "Thank you, Shaurya."

Pihu added, her enthusiasm evident, "You came at the perfect time. How about we have lunch first and then indulge in some ice cream?" They all nodded in agreement and made their way to the dining table, where a delicious spread was waiting.

As they settled around the table, the air was filled with a sense of camaraderie and comfort. Over dinner, their conversation flowed naturally, touching on various topics from everyday life to shared memories. Shaurya's storytelling about some of his police experiences drew laughter from both Pihu and Shivani, momentarily easing the weight of their past troubles.

After lunch, as promised, they moved to the living room, each with a bowl of ice cream in hand. The ice cream brought smiles to their faces, an unspoken agreement that sometimes a sweet treat could provide a simple but much-needed joy.

As they enjoyed their ice cream, the room was filled with a sense of companionship that had become an integral part of their lives. For Pihu and Shivani, Shaurya was not just a police officer fulfilling his duty; he was a friend who had stepped into their lives with unwavering support and a genuine care that went beyond his professional obligations.

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