Ch 13 Kenma

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I decided to take a break from playing video games and scroll on my phone instead. I was afraid I would wake him up.

I felt some weight shift from my shoulder to my lap. I looked down to see Shoyo was still sleeping. I could feel a slight smile creeping up on my face. I gently stroked through his hair. I then returned to my phone and continued scrolling.

I saw the time was 12:30 already. I decided to put my phone down and shut my eyes.

~the next day~

I woke up unusually early to flashing lights.

"Who's there?.." I mumbled.

"Kenma! You're awake! We have to go soon so you gotta get ready!" Said a familiar voice.

"Lev, where are the flashing lights coming from?" I said trying to open my eyes.

"Oh! Kuroo was just taking some photos of you and Hina-"

"You rat! They're not supposed to know!!" Said an angry Kuroo.

"Ugh whatever." I looked down see a cute redhead still sleeping on my chest.

"Shoyo" I said, "we have to leave today. You should probably get up now."

"Mmm I don't want to get up." He buried his head into my chest. I could feel myself turning red.

"Kenma are you okay?" Asked Lev, "you look red in the face. Are you sick? Do you need water or medicine or fo-"

"I'm fine Lev! Now shut up!" I shouted

Shoyo eventually got up. We both helped our teams pack up

"Well uhm.. bye Shoyo." I said awkwardly.

"Im gonna miss you Kenma." He then walked up to me and gave me a huge hug. I didn't know how to react so I just awkwardly hugged him back.

"I'll see you at nationals!"

"See you soon Shoyo." I waved right until the bus trailed off into the direction of Miyagi.

(Super short chapter. Sorry ;-;)

You're my only exception [A Kenhina Story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon