Start from the beginning

Maybe it was time to save face.

He needed healthier flowers anyway.


Thomas was happy to take Atticus to the Cod Empire, always willing to take the horses for longer rides. His curiosity about Atticus visiting less often did not go unnoticed, but neither man brought up the subject, and Thomas was happy to drive in silence.

The ride was over faster than Atticus wanted it to be, Thomas pulling the carriage to a stop outside of the walls. Atticus chewed his lower lip, wishing he had brought shulkers with him just to have something to talk about.

Thomas turned to look back at him, raising his eyebrows. Atticus forced a smile and stepped off the carriage, forcing his head high and walking into the Cod Empire, the guards letting him pass with ease since they'd come to recognize him. Atticus caught one of them rushing off, hopefully, to inform the Codfather that he was there. Until the other man showed up, Atticus would wait under the shade of the watchtower.

He noticed that it was back in use, the corrupting vines having been cleared away. He wondered when that had been, and how—he'd have to ask the Codfather. If the vines could be cleared, Atticus could get his farmers back into their homes; but it depended on how long the corruption stayed away. He couldn't risk sending people home only to have the vines reappear overnight, a talent of theirs.

"Foxling?" a girl called, moving over to stand in front of him. Atticus kneeled to her height, smiling in greeting, though confused. She held out her hand. "I'm Cassie. My Ma and I wanted to know if you were okay." She smiled shyly. "I'm the one that found you a few weeks ago."

Atticus smiled, shaking her hand gently. "Well, thank you for saving my life, Cassie. I'm quite alright now, just needed some rest. It could have been a lot worse if not for you."

She beamed at him. "I'll let my Mom know. Maybe she'll let me have extra dessert tonight." Atticus chuckled softly. Cassie waved at him and hurried back over to her mom, who offered Atticus a polite smile before leading her daughter further into the kingdom.

Atticus stood as the Codfather came into sight, followed by the guard who had left earlier. The Codfather's expression held his concern and worry, though Atticus could tell he was miffed about Atticus' disappearance. He smiled at the Codfather anyway, hoping he hadn't completely burned the bridge between them for disappearing so suddenly.

"Foxling," the Codfather greeted. "Are you alright? Where have you been?"

Atticus nodded at his question, thinking over them for a moment. "Recovering. I got sick after being in the cold. I must have still been weak from the coma." He felt a little bad to lie about a serious medical issue, but it was better than telling the Codfather the truth. "And work. A lot of work, really. Requests and petitioners always amp up the closer we get to winter, everyone wants to be safe. Meetings left and right for me."

Atticus glanced at the blue orchids sprouting near the watchtower. "I didn't want to stop our deal, though. I send some boys ahead, which I regret now. They haven't picked the best flowers."

Atticus watched as the Codfather visibly relaxed, feeling as though he'd made the right decision to lie. If he had been honest, perhaps the Codfather would have been offended; and Atticus could have had to confess his feelings. It just wasn't worth it.

The Codfather looked away from him, shaking his head. "I thought . . . Well. I thought you were avoiding me." He chuckled, an insecure edge to his voice. Atticus' blood ran cold, the thought of causing the Codfather any sort of grief hurting him in return.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now