Chapter 1

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I checked the time just to be sure I would still be on time. It was seven minutes past one, leaving me only eight minutes to get to the café... I did a little math and concluded that even if I ran the entire way there I would still be a minute or two late... Damn, I thought annoyed to myself. I really should've heeded the alarm I had set for myself and not turned it off and then promptly ignored it.

I dug out my phone from my purse and continued to speed walk as quickly as possible on a crowded sidewalk while typing out a text.

Me: Running a bit late... sorry.

Antique Nerd: Don't worry. I'll order some coffee for us.

Me: Awesome. *winking kissy face*

Still annoyed with myself I kept up my pace so I could at least minimize how late I would be. I also tried to motivate myself by reminding myself how much I disliked cold coffee. Ahead I saw the café sign: The Golden Bean. It had, by far, the best coffee in the whole of New York and they made their own baked goods. I was personally partial to their red velvet cake as they didn't skimp on the frosting or chocolate cake.

I rushed the last few steps and proceeded to collide with the very person I was there to see. A loud smack rang out as our heads collided and we both ended up needing a second to recover. Both of us began to rub our foreheads while eyeing the damage done to the other party. I cracked a grin and tried to brush the pain off as though nothing had happened. She smiled broadly and we laughed somewhat.

"I'm sorry, I was coming out to meet you," she said wincing with pain. Gingerly we hugged and went back into the coffee shop. At the counter I ordered a large caffe latte plain with no frills and asked for the largest possible slice of their infamous red velvet cake. When one of the baristas turned around, I saw it was a young man of mixed heritage. I believe he had explained it as part African, part Korean and part Mexican. A wild mix for an otherwise very calm and down to Earth kind of guy. He had asked me out and we tried a few dates but there was never any spark.

"Hey Matt," I called and smiled brightly at him. He smiled and whispered something to the barista that had taken my order. She was a petite girl with a bright turquoise bob and a killer makeup to match. The two looked thick as thieves and when she gave me my coffee and cake slice, it was huge. I smiled and did a little happy dance. The baristas all laughed and I took out a few bills and put them in the tip jar knowing it would later be shared equally among them. April had ordered a simple cup of black coffee and a triple chocolate cupcake. We managed to get a table in a semi quiet corner and dug into our treats chit chatting about nothing of importance.

Before we could start in on life updates, her phone began to ring and vibrate then. The tune of the new P!nk song rang out and she looked around embarrassed. She looked at the screen and winced. "I'm really sorry but it's my, uh... family and I think I need to take this," she said apologetically. I sighed and waved her away as she always had to take those calls. Sometimes she would have to leave, but usually she would just come back and gossip about what it was they wanted.

She left the shop but I could still see her through the large front windows. As she was talking, I watched her. She had her hair really well done, her jacket wasn't the usual yellow leather one she adored, but rather a black blazer with a silky sheen to it. She had on some really nice black heels and black pants that looked like they matched the blazer. When her entire look was taken into account, she looked like she was some high end business woman and not a 'simple' shopkeeper with a talent for investigative journalism.

Her look was pretty much the opposite of mine, hair put up in a hasty, messy bun, blazer: yes but mine was a navy blue silk with a white lining with stripes the same navy as the outer layer. I owned a single pair of heels, preferring the comfort of flats and being summer I had on some navy linen pants. I wasn't by any means dressed shabbily, but neither was I dressed anywhere near what she had on. It made me wonder if she had some meeting before our rendezvous or if she was going to something afterwards. She nodded and then hung up her phone. There was a hint of worry on her face before she came back inside. When she found me watching her, I could see how she put on her mask of happiness. I frowned at her, unhappy she felt she had to pretend around me.

"April," I began slowly. "We used to be so close... if something is bothering you, you don't have to put on some fake smile for my sake," I explained softly, concern in my every word. Since I had known her for so many years I saw her mask slip slightly and she glanced around. She leaned in to have some coffee and answered so softly, I almost didn't hear her, "who says the smile is for you?"

I didn't answer her right away but rather I plastered on a smile of my own and we began to update one another on what had been going on in our lives. I was just telling her the news that I had been hired to make some paintings for a new exhibition at the National Art Gallery in New York when her phone chimed. She checked the message and a hint of anger colored her features. She then proceeded to turn her phone off entirely and put it in her bag. I felt my jaw drop and I stared at her. Never had she been so angry as to go that far when her 'family' was vying for her time. She looked at me then and gave me a fierce smile.

"Fearless leader let it slip in our conversation that he was looking into you and wouldn't trust my judgement," she said almost matter-of-factly but there was a sliver of fury mixed in her voice. I couldn't help but laugh. I laughed so hard I bent over laughing and April rushed over to cover my mouth, all while laughing herself. We were a laughing, hugging mess before my own phone started to blow up from messages. We checked who it was and April actually growled slightly as well as muttering how someone had a lot of nerve. I smiled and dialed the number instead of checking the messages.

"H-hello," a male voice asked, uncertainty obvious in his tone. I smiled devoutly at April who was really worried for some reason. "I don't know which one of you I'm talking to but blowing up some stranger's phone is considered very rude," I said frustration seeping into my voice.  I had wanted to remain calm and aloof but I was really tired of these guys always interrupting whenever April and I tried to have some time to ourselves.

Silence was all that could be heard on the other end until a soft and gentle male voice said quietly but I believed deliberately loud enough for me to hear, "she has a point Leo." A quiet argument ensued that was quickly over and a different male voice began to speak. It was demanding in tone but with no malice. "Meet me tonight on April's rooftop," he demanded and I just could not believe the audacity of this man.

"Alas fearless leader, April and I will be out shopping for the rest of the day and then we'll be heading out for the evening. Ta ta now," I said in my sweetest and most innocent voice. I then promptly switched my phone to silent and dropped it into my bag.

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