72 Transformations

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Narrator's POV in Silken Web Cave

Spider Queen growls as she was thinking about the 'little girl', who knocked her away effortlessly and then she finally realized who she was as she gasped and then a piece of her face fell out into the view. Spider Queen quickly hides it back in her headdress before looking at Strong Spider, who was closing the sewers while she said "Seal it, faster! I don't want anybody getting through!" and Strong Spider says "I'm going about as fast as I can here!" and finally closed the sewer.

"My Queen, we can begin collecting the materials. The update is ready" Syntax says as he brings up a hologram and Spider Queen sighs and says "Good, good. I'm not gonna let little lady play me! I am the Queen! If she wants a fight, I'll give her one" as she, Huntsman and Syntax looked at the remains of the Spider Mech and then Huntsman looks at Spider Queen nervously and she saw this before saying with her eyes shadowed "You got something to share?" and raised her spider leg, making Huntsman panic and starts to say "No! I-It's just. The lady she's just... Maybe we should... Nothing, my Queen" and Syntax stood with a small sweatdrop and then Spider Queen stomps her leg down before looking at Syntax with her eyes still shadowed and says "Do it!" and Syntax quickly says "R-Right!" and clicked a button on his watch, letting out the Spider-Bots from the eggs.

At the Krew's Apartment 3 am

Funneh was tossing and turning in her sleep as she was grunting with sweat on her face as she seems to be having a nightmare. In the nightmare it shows Aphmau chained up from LBD's glowing blue chains as she was gagging with Mk, Lunar and Funneh shouts "Aph!!!" before they cried out in pain, Bai He got possessed as she fell back and shouted "Mom!" an evil cackle was heard before two screams from a couple and the nightmare ends with Funneh snapping her eyes wide open.

 In the nightmare it shows Aphmau chained up from LBD's glowing blue chains as she was gagging with Mk, Lunar and Funneh shouts "Aph!!!" before they cried out in pain, Bai He got possessed as she fell back and shouted "Mom!" an evil cackle was hea...

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Funneh shot up as she gasped and started to breathe heavily and this caused Ender to wake up and went over to her, jumped on the bed, placed his head on Funneh's lap and whines asking if she's okay. Funneh takes a deep breath before looking at Ender and pats his head with a small yet tired smile and says "I'm okay... It's just a nightmare" and then all the sudden her phone started ringing. "Who is calling me at this time?" Funneh muttered to herself as she grabbed her phone and was surprised to see the caller is Mk.


"Hey, Funneh! I need you to come to the shop! I gotta show you something! Bring Macaque, Ally and the others too!" Mk said as he quickly ended the call, making Funneh dumbfounded. With a yawn, she gets up, stretches a bit before going to Gold's room as her older was sleeping peacefully with a sleep mask on. "Psst. Gold" Funneh whispered but Gold continued sleeping and Funneh tried again "Gold... Hey!" but then said in her normal voice as she was starting to get annoyed "Gold. Gold. Gold!" and then getting an idea, Funneh pulled out an airhorn and inhales before...

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