Bad Weather

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In the Celestial Realm Narrator's POV

A man with light blue hair and along with matching clothes came into the Heavenly Court and gave a small bow to the Jade Emperor who was waiting for the man. "Jade Emperor, I came as soon as I heard your call. Is there something you need?" the man asked him and then the Jade Emperor spoke.

"Ao Bing, I'm glad you came. Listen, we just have receive some news that has happened from the mortal realm" the Jade Emperor says and the man known as Ao Bing raised an eyebrow and asks "And that is...?" It was silent for a moment before the Jade Emperor finally spoke and says "It would seem and we have reason to believe that the Talisman of Unity has been activated once again" and this made Ao Bing's eyes widen in shock by this. "H-How is this possible?! It's impossible! Only The Mighty Five could activate it and the talisman hadn't been activated ever since..." Ao Bing paused his sentence before looking down with sadness in his eyes as he went into deep thought.

"Ao Bing..." Ao Bing snapped out of his thoughts and looks up at the Jade Emperor as he spoke. "Listen carefully, I need you to head to the mortal realm and find out what caused the Talisman of Unity to activate again. We cannot let it fall into the wrong hands, is that clear?" Ao Bing gave another small bow and stood up as he spoke "Yes sir, I'll found out the cause" and then with that he turns around and walks away while heading to the mortal realm.

At Pigsy's Shop with the Krew

Funneh, Lunar and Rainbow were in the shop helping their uncle Pigsy as Rainbow was washing the dishes, Lunar wiping the tables and Funneh sweeping the floor and then wipes the sweat off her forehead with a cloth and says "Phew! Well that should be it for today, right?" Rainbow nods as she says "Yep. I believe so Funneh" and puts up the last clean dishes away while Lunar finished up cleaning the tables and then they heard the Tuk-tuk, they went outside and saw both Draco and Gold getting out as they went towards their sisters with Draco saying "Well, that was the last deliveries for today" as Gold nods and then frowns angrily before saying "Yeah, but where's MK? He was supposed to be here and help us!" and Lunar thought for a moment and says "I think he's at Uncle Sandy's boat along with Uncle Tang and Mei too".

Just then they heard stomping and they all turned and saw Pigsy coming out of the shop looking very angry and then Rainbow asked "Uh, Uncle Pigsy are you okay?" causing the Krew looks at her as she sweatdrops. "No, I'm not! I'm gonna give the kid a long lecture for not coming into work today! While I'm gone, you five can take a break" Pigsy says and Funneh asked "Are you sure, Uncle Pigsy? We can go with you" and Pigsy gave a soft smile to her and says "Yeah, I'm sure".

"Okay. Well just to be sure Gold and Lunar can go with you while Rainbow, Draco and I can go to the Weather Station. We've always wanted to see what it looks like" Funneh says and both Lunar and Gold nodded in agreement while inside they were pouting that they won't be able to go see the Weather Station. "Alright, you three go have fun but make sure you three be careful, especially you Rainbow" Pigsy says and with that Pigsy, Lunar and Gold headed towards Sandy's boat while Funneh, Rainbow and Draco went to their apartment to grab their bags and swimsuits.

At Sandy's Boat

Sandy is whistling while lifting up a crate with the crane as Tang, Mei and Mk were watching the news as the News Reporter says "And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remains about the small overpowered young man who saved us all. Authorities warn citizens on..." and while Tang was watching the news while eating noodles, Mk was telling Mei how he defeated DBK while spinning his staff as he says "And I was like "Stop there, Demon Bull King" and DBK's all like, "You can't stop me! I'm crazy!" [ Mei was laughing at Mk's terrible impression of DBK ] And then I grabbed my staff, and whoosh! I created this giant mech!" and stabs his staff on the ground a little too hard and caused water to spring out.

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