Part : 28

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All were still in hospital. Yanli went near to Wei Ying. She hold his both hands. Jiang Cheng was also sitting with Wei Ying.

"Wei Ying!", Yanli said.

"Yes! Shijie!", Wei Ying replied.

"Wei Ying! From now Wangji is your responsibility. After his parents you have to take care of him. Only you are his best friend. Try to remember him everything. I know you can do it.", Yanli said.

"Shijie! I will try my level best. If he didn't get his memory back then we will create our new memories. And Wangji also told me that he will marry me. He also wants to live with me.", Wei Ying replied.

"That's good!", Yanli replied and she smiled.

Yanli leave Wei Ying's hands. They all starts talking normal things.

Carmen Lee saw Meng Yao. She went near him.

"Dr. Meng Yao! Can we take Wangji with us?", Carmen Lee asked.

"A.. how to say but he needs to stay in hospital for two more days. After that you can take him home.", Meng Yao replied.

"Okay doctor.. I wish I can take him home soon...", Carmen Lee said.

"Don't worry. He is alright. Just keep patience.", Meng Yao said.

"Hmm!", Carmen Lee replied. Then she went towards her husband.

Last time they all meet Lan Zhan. One by one they said bye to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan also said them bye. After that all leave from hospital. Now Meng Yao went in Lan Zhan's room.

"Ufff.... Finally they all are gone. I was too much scared.", Meng Yao said.

Lan Zhan didn't say anything. He was thinking something else. Meng Yao noticed it. And he shook Lan Zhan by grabbing his shoulder.

"Where is your mind.", Meng Yao asked.

Lan Zhan looked at Meng Yao. He parted his lips to say something.

"Wei Ying! I... mean I have to marry Wei Ying. I think I have created mess.", Lan Zhan said.

"Yes.. I know.. now you don't have any other option. You have to marry Wei Ying. And love with him. But... Can I ask something?", Meng Yao asked.

"Umm!", Lan Zhan said.

"Do you like Wei Ying? I saw that when you were talking with Wei Ying then your face expression was changed. It seems like you really wants to live with him. But you didn't find Wangji's body yet. What if Wangji is alive and he will come back one day? For that time you will be fallen in love with Wei Ying. It will be difficult for you to leave Wei Ying. Do you have any idea about it? How you are going to handle that situation?", Meng Yao asked Lan Zhan.

"I don't know I like Wei Ying or not. But I can't see him upset. I have to take responsibility of Wei Ying and Wangji's parents. And I will not touch Wei Ying. He is Wangji's love. I can't do anything with him. And if by any chance Wangji is still alive then I don't have any problem if he will come back. But more probability is that he is dead. In front of me blood was oozing from his whole body. His condition was too much serious. And after the blast he fall out from window. And there was fire all around. I think he is dead. I saw many burned dead bodies there.", Lan Zhan said.

"Ooh... It means Wangji is dead for sure. Now you have to be more careful. And remember of Wangji's parents. They can observe your behaviour. They can identify that you are not there son. So be careful and always obedient to Wangji's parents. Now it's all upon you.", Meng Yao said.

Lan Zhan looked out from window and take sigh. Meng Yao became silent. He understood that Lan Zhan was thinking something. He went outside from room. And went in other ward to check his patients.


Unknown place

"Lan Zhan! Where is Lan Zhan. Take him in front of me.", A person shouted loudly.

"S..sir we are t.. trying to find him. But there is no clue of him that where he is!", Another person.

"Find him anyhow. I will kill him.", That person shouted.

"O.. okay sir... We will do our best to find him!", Another person replied.


For two days Lan Zhan was in hospital. Every morning, noon and evening Wei Ying, Wei Ying's parents and Wangji's parents went hospital to take care of him. Lan Zhan felt many emotions inside him which he didn't felt after when he lost his parents.

Now it was morning. Today Lan Zhan would go to Wangji's home with Wangji's parents.

Meng Yao came in Lan Zhan's room. Lan Zhan looked at Meng Yao. Meng Yao was holding a file in his hands. He gave those files to Lan Zhan.

"Take it! It's your fake medical reports.", Meng Yao said.

"Thanks!", Lan Zhan replied.

"Take care. And don't forget to meet me when you will get time.", Meng Yao said.

"Hmm!", Lan Zhan replied.

Someone opened Lan Zhan's room door. Meng Yao and Lan Zhan looked at door. Wei Ying, Carmen Lee and Cangse Sanren were standing there.

"Wangji! My baby!", Carmen Lee said and she went towards Lan Zhan and hugged him.

Lan Zhan also hugged Carmen Lee. Carmen Lee caresses Lan Zhan's hairs and parted the hug. She gave a warm smile to Lan Zhan. Carmen Lee touched Lan Zhan's cheeks.

"How are you feeling?", Carmen Lee asked.

"I am fine!", Lan Zhan said.

Carmen Lee create the distance and she looked at Wei Ying. Wei Ying smiled and he hugged Lan Zhan.

"Wangji! Now let's go home. Your home.", Wei Ying said.

Lan Zhan back hugged Wei Ying. His grip was tighten on Wei Ying's waist. Wei Ying slightly pushed Lan Zhan and looked at his face.

"Control your actions.", Wei Ying whispered in Lan Zhan's ears.

A current passed in Lan Zhan's body. Lan Zhan break the hug. Cangse Sanren came near to Lan Zhan and she caresses Lan Zhan's cheeks.

"Wangji! Don't worry! All things will be alright my son.", Cangse Sanren said.

"Hmm...aunt!", Lan Zhan replied.

"Don't call me aunt....!", Cangse Sanren said.

Lan Zhan and all looked at Cangse Sanren with confused face.

"Call me mom. You can call me mom. I am your second mom. My son.", Cangse Sanren said further.

All got relaxed.

"Okay mom!", Lan Zhan said and he smiled.

After that they all sat on car. Wei Ying said bye to Meng Yao. And they all leave for their home.

Cangse Sanren was driving the car. Carmen Lee was sitting on front seat. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were sitting behind. Lan Zhan was so nervous. Wei Ying understood that thing. He hold Lan Zhan's hand. Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying. Wei Ying gave a soft smile to Lan Zhan.


Thanks for reading. I hope you like this part.


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