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»»———— act three. THE ORIGINALS
CHAPTER FORTY FOUR ━━ unexpected death


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Bella had not spoken to anyone since klaus died. He might of not been dead, but before Bella could even help revive klaus some way, Stefan had his body. They were going to throw his body in the Atlantic.

She stared at her ceiling as she held onto her necklace. Everyone was celebrating klaus' demise.

Bella had contemplated leaving, leaving all of it behind her and going back to New Orleans. And that is what she was going to do.

She groaned as her phone rang, making her grab it to see it was Caroline. "Yeah?" Bella muttered.

"Bella, I'm so, so sorry." Caroline said, her voice genuine. "I heard. But there's bad news, alaric has outed me and Tyler to the council. We're running away for our safety. I wanted to say goodbye."

"Well, I'll leaving too. I'm going back to New Orleans." Bella said as she sat up as she ran a hand through her hair. "Maybe you should come with me."

"That's a brilliant idea." Caroline said as Bella hummed. "Are you okay, though?" Caroline asked carefully. "He's not dead dead, right?"

"No, but I have no idea where Damon's got his body so I can't help him." Bella shrugged as she sat up. She cleared her throat a she looked around. Then the bell went, making her frown. "I'll call you back."

Bella walked down the stairs and towards the door. It was late, so she didn't know who it was. She opened the door with wide eyes. "Elijah." Bella said as elijah sent her a small smile. "I guess Rebekah told you."

"Yes. I've made a deal with Elena. We're getting klaus' body, well, Rebekah is." Elijah said as Bella nodded her head. "I thought you should know, Stefan said you hadn't talked since-"

"Yeah, well I had nothing to say." Bella shrugged.

"Rebekah wanted you to come with her, wherever she goes. She didn't want to be alone and she didn't want you to be alone." Elijah said as Bella nodded her head.

"I was planning to leave, anyways." Bella sighed as she smiled at him. "Where is Rebekah now?"

"She's on her way to get klaus. I thought it would be best if you go meet her now, so you can go." Elijah said as Bella nodded her head.

"Yeah, thank you, Elijah." Bella smiled softly as she grabbed her jacket. "Where is my brother keeping him?"

"The storage unit half way out of town." Elijah said as Bella nodded. "I'll let rebekah know you're on your way."


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