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»»———— act three. THE ORIGINALS
CHAPTER FORTY TWO ━━ mother dearest

"Another dance? Something bad happens at ever dance I've ever been to

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"Another dance? Something bad happens at ever dance I've ever been to." Bella groaned as she fell back onto her bed.

"This one is just going to be a dance." Caroline sighed as she looked through bellas clothes. "You literally have no old-fashioned clothes here."

"It's because a box of my old clothes are in the basement. Why would they be with my natural day-to-day clothes, care?" Bella rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Well, do you have a date for the dance?" Caroline asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"No." Bella shook her head as Caroline groaned.

"Then ask klaus, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to accompany you to the dance." Caroline scrunched her nose as she sat beside Bella. "Come on, I persuaded elena to ask stefan. And Bonnie has a date."

"Why can't we go together." Bella asked as she leaned her chin on her palm. "It would be so much better."

"Because you have someone to go with." Caroline pointed at Bella. "As much as I'd love to go as us two, you're going to ask klaus. Or I'll ask for you." Caroline grinned as she quickly grabbed bellas phone.

"No, no." Bella jumped up as Caroline held her hand up. "Caroline!" Bella sighed as she watched Caroline Type away.

"And send." Caroline grinned as she dropped bellas phone on the bed. "Hey, klaus. I was just wondering if you was free tonight for the dance. Want to be my date?"

"I actually hate you. That doesn't even sound like me!" Bella scoffed as she looked at her phone.

"Yes it does." Caroline gasped as she eyed bella. "He's obviously going to say yes. Now let's get ready as we wait for his reply."

"I'm never going to another dance, ever." Bella groaned as Caroline grabbed her hand and led her out of the room.

" Bella groaned as Caroline grabbed her hand and led her out of the room

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Bella sighed as she adjusted the feather crown on her head. "Stop, you'll ruin your outfit." Caroline wafted bellas hands away.

"Yeah, well, the 1920's wasn't really my year. Nor are these stupid head things." Bella groaned as Caroline rolled her eyes. "Now I hope for a drama-free night." Bella said as Caroline linked their arms.

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