Final Prologue: Pain and Comforting

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Years had flowed like a river since Olga and Y/n had embarked on their journey together. The passage of time had woven their lives into a tapestry of growth, learning, and shared experiences. As mentors and students, they had forged a bond that went beyond the confines of servant and master. Yet, amidst the progress and camaraderie, shadows of uncertainty began to cast their pall over Olga's heart.

3rd person pov
In the dimly lit chamber, Olga's gaze remained fixed on the ominous parchment spread before her. The words etched upon it seemed to mock her very existence, threatening to unravel the tapestry she had painstakingly woven.

"But... why..." Her voice quivered, a mixture of confusion and anguish lacing her words. She lifted her eyes to meet the gaze of the man before her - Marisbury Animusphere, her own father. Her plea hung in the air, a desperate search for answers in a sea of uncertainty.

 Her plea hung in the air, a desperate search for answers in a sea of uncertainty

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Marisbury's response was as cryptic as it was callous. His smile, though faint, carried an air of detachment, as if he were addressing a matter of trivial importance. The very essence of her identity, her place as an Animusphere, seemed to unravel before her eyes, and her father's response was a mere shrug in the face of her existential turmoil.

"But... why... I-I am... the Animusphere... I... am... my father's daughter..." Her voice wavered, a lone tear escaping her eye as she struggled to comprehend the betrayal of her very lineage.

As Olga fled the room, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions, Y/n remained a silent observer outside her door. He had anticipated this very moment - the shattering of the pedestal upon which Olga had placed her father. It was a painful realization, a confrontation with the truth that sometimes the ones we held in highest esteem could be the source of our deepest pain.

His thoughts crystallized into a resolute conviction as he gazed at the closed door. Y/n knew he couldn't let Olga bear this burden alone. With steady determination, he made his way through the corridor, a sense of purpose driving his steps.

Meanwhile, Olga's footsteps echoed through the hallways, her tears blurring the world around her. She sought refuge in the sanctuary of her room, a place where her vulnerability could find solace. As she collapsed onto her bed, her heartache spilled forth, and the weight of her shattered illusions threatened to consume her.

Yet, as if in response to her despair, a knock resounded through the room. Startled, Olga wiped her tears and rose from her bed, her gaze fixing on the entrance. The door swung open, revealing Y/n, his expression a mix of concern and unwavering support.

"Olga," Y/n's voice was gentle, a soothing balm to her wounded heart. "I saw you leave your father's room... I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Olga's voice caught in her throat as she met Y/n's empathetic gaze. She found herself enveloped in his presence, a lifeline amidst the storm of her emotions.

"It's all falling apart, Y/n," Olga whispered, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "My father... the Animusphere name... everything I believed in..."

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