Chapter 15: The Unyielding Guardian

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Daniella's POV

As I made my way to the meeting point, annoyance gnawed at me like a pesky insect. How dare they assign me a bodyguard? I'm perfectly capable of handling myself! I mused indignantly. But alas, the royal decree was clear, and I had no choice but to meet this Dashiel, the stern guardian chosen to shadow me.

As I approached the secluded spot in the royal gardens, I spotted him standing there, an enigma cloaked in an impeccable black suit.

Dashiel was tall and handsome, his grey eyes like stormy skies that revealed nothing. His presence exuded an aura of unyielding determination.

I smirked, feeling mischievous.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms defiantly.

"I am your assigned bodyguard, Princess Daniella," he replied in a deep voice that held no hint of amusement.

"I know that but I also hope that you know this is a complete waste of your time."

His gaze never wavered, and his response was as matter-of-fact as I had imagined. "My duty is to ensure your safety, Princess. That is all."

I decided to try and scare him off. "You know, I have ways of dealing with people who annoy me. You won't last long if you get in my way."

Dashiel's expression remained unchanged, undeterred by my veiled threats. "My duty is to ensure your safety, Princess. Your ways won't work on me."

My annoyance grew. I decided to have some fun at his expense, trying to ruffle his calm exterior. "Oh, is that so?" I said, tilting my head with a sly grin. "What if I were to offer you a hefty sum to leave me be? I'm sure your services are in high demand."

His response was swift, leaving me slightly taken aback. "I am not for sale, Princess," he stated firmly, his tone unwavering.

Unfazed, I decided to play my trump card - the age-old tactic of flirting. Surely, that would crack his façade. "Come on, Dashiel," I cooed, fluttering my eyelashes. "I can make it worth your while. You and I could have some fun while I escape the tediousness of royal duties."

To my chagrin, he didn't so much as flinch. "My commitment lies with your protection, Princess, not in entertaining your whims," he replied, his voice as steady as a mountain's foundation.

Annoyance turned into frustration, but I refused to back down. "You're quite the stubborn one, aren't you?" I huffed. "Do you ever smile?"

He offered a cryptic smile that did nothing to ease my irritation. "When the situation calls for it, perhaps."

I threw my hands up in defeat, realizing that I had met my match. Dashiel was not one to be swayed by charm or bribery. His unwavering dedication to his duty was admirable, yet it only fueled my determination to break through his stoic exterior.

As we began our journey together, I couldn't shake the feeling that Dashiel would be a tough nut to crack. Little did I know that his unyielding demeanor would play an unexpected role in the adventures that awaited us. Our paths were intertwined, and whether we liked it or not, we were bound to uncover the secrets that lay ahead, hand in hand.


Alex burst through the dorm room door, followed by Charlotte while I was engrossed in a book.

I looked up, sensing the urgency in Alexandra's expression.

"What happened, Alex? You look like you've seen a ghost," Charlotte remarked, concern evident in her voice.

Alexandra took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words. "You won't believe what just happened. Sebastian... he kissed me."

My eyes widened, and I dropped my book, my curiosity piqued. "He kissed you? What did you do? Tell me everything!"

Alexandra's face flushed with embarrassment. "I... I ran away. I didn't know how to react. It caught me completely off guard."

I let out a groan and slapped my forehead. "Oh, Alex! You should have flirted with him, played it cool. You can't let a prince like Sebastian slip through your fingers!"

Charlotte nodded in agreement, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "She's right, Alexandra. You have to show him that you're interested too. Make him work for your forgiveness."

Alexandra looked between us, contemplating our advice. "But he confessed his feelings, and he seemed genuinely sorry. I don't want to play games with him."

I sighed, understanding the sincerity in Alexandra's words. "You're too kind, Alex. But remember, you have the power in this situation. Don't let him off the hook too easily. Make sure he understands the weight of his actions."

Charlotte chimed in, her playful tone softened. "We're here for you, Alexandra. Whatever you decide, we'll support you."

We huddled together, discussing our perspectives on Sebastian's actions and Alexandra's next steps.

In the midst of our conversations, Alexandra felt a renewed sense of clarity. She knew she needed to confront Sebastian and have a genuine conversation, without the weight of uncertainty hanging over them.

But I couldn't wait to share my encounter with Dashiel with Alexandra and Charlotte and soon the topic came.

Their curious glances urged me to spill the beans, and I couldn't help but relish the opportunity to recount the amusing yet frustrating episode.

"So, girls, guess what happened today," I began, excitement bubbling in my voice.

Alexandra, always the caring one, asked, "Did you meet your bodyguard, Daniella? How did it go?"

I smirked, recalling the stern man who had crossed my path. "Oh, I met him all right," I said, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Dashiel is quite the character, let me tell you."

Charlotte leaned in, intrigued. "Do tell, Daniella. I want to hear all the juicy details."

"Well, he's tall, handsome, and has these piercing grey eyes that reveal nothing," I explained, earning a few giggles from the girls. "But the moment I tried to scare him, he didn't even flinch! I thought he'd at least jump a little."

Alexandra chuckled. "It sounds like he takes his job very seriously."

"That's an understatement," I said, rolling my eyes. "I even tried to flirt with him to get him to loosen up, but he just shut me down with his counterback answers."

Charlotte laughed, playfully teasing, "Looks like you've met your match, Daniella. Maybe he's immune to your charm."

I huffed, feigning offense. "I never back down from a challenge, Charlotte. He's just a little too serious for his own good."

Alexandra raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "But why did you try to flirt with him in the first place?"

I leaned back, crossing my arms, and shrugged. "I thought it'd be fun, you know, to see if I could break through his stern exterior. But it seems like Dashiel is determined to stay the unyielding bodyguard."

Charlotte winked, playfully suggesting, "Maybe you'll have better luck next time. Who knows, he might crack under the pressure of your charm."

We all shared a laugh at the thought, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy. Dashiel was unlike anyone I had encountered before, and his resolute dedication to his duty intrigued me, even if it also frustrated me at times.

As we continued our discussion, I couldn't help but wonder about the journey ahead. With Dashiel by my side, I knew I was in capable hands, but I also sensed that there was more to him than met the eye. The adventure that lay ahead was bound to be filled with surprises, and I was ready to face them head-on, with my loyal friends by my side.

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