Chapter 14: A Tangled Encounter

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Charlotte's POV

Being the ever loyal friend, I stood by Alexandra's side, our bond growing stronger in the face of uncertainty.

Determined to keep Sebastian at a distance, we made our way through the bustling hallways toward the cafeteria, as much to Daniella's annoyance, she had to go and greet her bodygaurd.

However, looks like Prince Sebastian was relentless in his pursuit to speak with Alex as a result he along with prince Kian cornered us.

Sebastian mustered the courage to address Alex once more, his eyes filled with sincerity and regret.

"Alexandra, please, just hear me out. I need a chance to explain everything."

Reluctantly, Alexandra nodded, her guarded walls momentarily faltering as a flicker of curiosity ignited within her.

Wait a second. Ain't she the one who gave an long ass speech about how she would never see Sebastian's face, and now she is going all Lala just by hearing his voice, leaving me alone with this statue of a person. Bitch!

''There's no such word like 'Lala' Charlotte and how many times do I need to remind you to stop cursing.'' scolded Alex.

''Wait! Did I say that loud?''

''Yes you did. Now enjoy the statue's company.'' She said before retreated into an empty classroom with Sebastian, reminding me the presence of the person I was bitching about.

The air crackled with tension as our conflicting personalities clashed, giving rise to a tempest of verbal jabs and snide remarks.

"Tell me, Prince Kian," I quipped, my voice laced with a hint of mischief, "do you practice that perpetual frown of yours in the mirror every morning? Or does it come naturally?"

Kian's eyes narrowed, a faint scowl etching across his features. "I'd rather be serious than spend my days wasting away with meaningless banter."

I smirked, leaning against the wall nonchalantly. "Ah, so you're one of those 'brooding prince' types, huh? I've seen plenty like you in fairy tales. Should I expect a tragic backstory or a hidden heart of gold?"

Kian's jaw tensed, his irritation palpable. "You mistake me, Princess Charlotte. I have no interest in fairy tales or idle chatter. I prefer actions over words."

That made me chuckle, enjoying the rise I elicited from him. "Actions, you say? Well, forgive me if I find it hard to believe when your actions thus far have consisted of little more than icy glares and brooding silence."

Our exchange continued, each remark punctuated by a spark of annoyance and a hint of undeniable chemistry.

The clash between Kian's stoic demeanor and my unyielding sass created a palpable tension, as if the very air crackled with our opposing energies.


Sebastian's POV

As the door closed behind Alexandra and me, the empty classroom became a sanctuary of hushed whispers and simmering emotions.

My eyes filled with remorse as I opened my mouth to apologize.''I never intended for any harm to befall any of you. The chamber, the danger you faced—''

but before I could utter another word, Alexandra's pent-up frustration erupted like a tempest.

''Harm? Danger?''  Alexandra's voice trembled with anger as she unleashed her scolding.

''Do you even realise that if I and Charlotte would not have been looking for Daniella, what could have happened to her?''Her words tumbled out in a torrent, unyielding and relentless.

"Explain yourself, Sebastian. Why should we trust you now, after everything that has happened?"

''The girls and I, we are each others life and love each other more than anything else. That includes our parents. Can you imagine what would have happened to me or Charlotte if something would have happened to Daniella because I cant. Even imagining something like that kills me.''

She had kept her feelings bottled up for far too long, and now they spilled out in a cascade of righteous indignation.
I tried to interject, to explain, to defend myself, but Alexandra's torrent of words drowned out my attempts.

She was a force of nature, a storm of pent-up emotions unleashed upon me.

But in the midst of her scolding, when her voice reached its crescendo, I made a choice—a choice to silence her with a daring action.

I took a step closer, closing the distance between us, and without a word, pressed my lips gently against hers.

Time stood still in that fleeting moment, as Alexandra's anger transformed into shock. I could feel her heart racing.

It was a kiss that defied my explanation, an act of surrender and vulnerability.

As the kiss ended, I withdrew, My eyes searching hers for a response.
Alexandra stood frozen, her lips still tingling from the unexpected contact.

Words failed her, and her shock rendered her speechless. She turned abruptly and fled from the classroom, leaving me behind with a whirlwind of emotions.

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