Chapter 2: Dorm Assignments

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Daniella's POV

The three of us followed Headmistress Helena through the amazing hallways of the Royal School.

I felt a mix of excitement and anticipation, wondering what our new dorm rooms would be like.

We arrived at a grand staircase with a fancy red carpet, leading to where we'd be living in the school.

Helena turned to us with a knowing smile. "Your rooms are this way, dear princesses," she said, sounding mysterious. "You'll share a dorm, which will help you bond during your time here."

We looked at each other, curious about what's coming next. Something about Helena was mysterious, and we all sensed it.

We climbed the stairs, getting closer to our shared space.

At the top, we found a long corridor with fancy doors.

Helena took us to the last door, beautifully carved. "This is your dorm, Princesses," she said, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

We stepped inside, and our breaths caught.

The room was big, with three beds, each uniquely decorated.

The colors matched each of us—soft pastels for Alexandra, bold and vibrant for me, and playful patterns for Charlotte.

Helena pointed to uniforms on each bed. "These are your school uniforms," she told us. "They symbolize unity and pride, and you must wear them for class and official events."

We examined our uniforms with curiosity and a bit of nervousness.

Alexandra's was a beautiful blue dress, Charlotte's had a layered skirt and collared shirt, and mine had a fitted bodice and flowing burgundy skirt.

I wondered who designed them, as they perfectly suited our personalities.

"Also, I must tell you," Helena continued in a softer voice, "your classes start tomorrow because you're joining late. Until then, get familiar with the school grounds."

We nodded, feeling the excitement of the adventures and challenges ahead.

As Helena left, we unpacked our things and tried on our uniforms.

My mind was full of anticipation for the friendships we'd make, the lessons we'd learn, and the secrets hidden in the Royal School's walls.

Wearing our uniforms and feeling a sense of togetherness in our dorm, we settled in, ready for the journey ahead.

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