Chapter 13: Whispers of Suspicion

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Alexandra's POV

Inside the comfort of our shared dorm room, the three of us gathered, our voices hushed as we discussed the events of the day.

Daniella, still nursing her wounds, leaned against the soft pillows, frustration evident in her voice.

"I can't believe they assigned a bodyguard to me," Daniella exclaimed, her brows furrowed in annoyance. "I don't need someone following me around like a shadow. I can take care of myself."

My usually gentle demeanor clouded with anger as Iclenched my fists. "And to think, we trusted Sebastian. How could he lead us to that dangerous chamber? What was his motive?"

Charlotte chimed in, her voice tinged with suspicion. "It's too much of a coincidence that he gave us the address and then we faced danger. I don't know if we can trust him anymore."

A sense of unease settled over the room as we mulled over the events of the day.

The bond of trust we had forged with Sebastian was now strained, and doubts crept into our hearts.

Daniella sighed, her frustration evident. "I don't know what to make of it all. First, the incident in the chamber, and now a bodyguard watching my every move. It feels like there's something larger at play here."

My anger simmered, voice laced with disappointment. "We thought Sebastian was our ally, someone we could rely on. But if he led us into danger, then who can we trust?"

Charlotte, her eyes glinting with determination, spoke up. "We need to be cautious. The pieces of this puzzle don't quite fit together, and I can't shake the feeling that something is amiss."

As the evening wore on, we contemplated our next move. We knew we had to remain vigilant, not only against the unknown dangers lurking within the school but also against those we once considered friends.

Little did we know that our suspicions would lead us down a treacherous path, where secrets and betrayals awaited our discovery.

The quest for the Enchanted Scepter had taken an unforeseen turn, plunging us into a world where trust was a luxury we could ill afford.


Charlotte's POV

The next morning, sun painted the sky in soft hues as we made our way to our class.

Alexandra's heart felt heavy with a mix of anger and disappointment, her trust in Sebastian shattered by recent events.

As we entered the classroom, I couldn't help but notice Sebastian's gaze lingering on Alex and I knew she did too, but knowing Alex for more than a decade I knew she would turn away, determined to ignore him which she did aswell.

Sebastian, however, couldn't bear the weight of Alexandra's cold shoulder. As the opportunity presented itself, he approached her with a solemn expression, concern etched on his face.

"Alexandra, I heard about what happened to Daniella. I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean for any harm to come to any of you."

But Alex remained silent, her eyes fixed ahead, refusing to acknowledge his presence or his words.

The hurt in Sebastian's eyes was evident as he retreated, defeated by the wall of silence she had erected.

I sighed and looked at Daniella to find her looking back at me with the same expression of concern edged on her face as it was on mine.

We knew Sebastian was hurt by Alex's behaviour but right now we where more concerned about Alex because we knew she was hurt too.

Though they have met only for a few times and it takes time for Alex to trust anyone but even she could not deny the fact that she was already attached to sebastian and also trusted him very much.

My attention soon shifted as a new figure entered the room, a teacher named Clarissa as she introduced herself.

With her vibrant attire and an enthusiasm that bordered on the excessive, she exuded an air of eccentricity.

Clarissa seemed particularly interested in us which was a little wierd as her eyes sparkled with curiosity when they landed upon our figure.

"Ah, my dear princesses! How marvelous to have you in my class!" Clarissa greeted us, her voice almost too cheerful for the early hour. "I've heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

We exchanged puzzled glances, taken aback by the teacher's overt friendliness.

There was something off about her demeanor, a sense of hidden motives lurking beneath the surface.

Throughout the class, Clarissa would frequently engage us in conversations, peppering js with questions about our lives, our kingdoms, and our aspirations.

We obliged with polite answers, but an undercurrent of unease pulsed through our veins.

As the day unfolded, we couldn't help but notice Sebastian's occasional glances in our direction, his eyes filled with remorse and longing.

Yet, our hearts remained guarded, the wounds of broken trust still fresh.

In the midst of our internal turmoil, we found solace in our unity, our shared uncertainty about the true intentions of those around us.

We knew we had to remain vigilant, even as our surroundings grew stranger and more unpredictable.

Little did we know that our journey would become entwined with the enigmatic Clarissa and the lingering shadows of Sebastian's past.

The Whispers of RoyalityOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant