Chapter 1: The Royal School

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Charlotte's POV

I stood at the fancy entrance of the prestigious 'Royal School' with my two best friends, Princess Alexandra and Princess Daniella.

Yesterday morning, my dad told me I'd be going to the Royal School, so I called my besties to check if they were going too. Luckily, we all got letters confirming we were accepted, and we got super excited.

Thankfully, no one from the staff saw us getting so excited, or we'd be the talk of the day.

This was like a dream because we always wanted to finish high school here since we heard about this beautiful place. We joined the school a month late due to some issues.

We were really excited and nervous about starting this new chapter of our lives. The morning sun made the school building look amazing.

The three of us exchanged nervous glances, not knowing how our lives were about to change.

Alexandra, with her golden hair and kind blue eyes, was always graceful. Daniella, with her dark curls and playful eyes, was known for being flirty and adventurous.

And then there's me, with chestnut hair and a playful smile, known for my sharp wit and sarcasm.

We took a deep breath before going into the big entrance, where a tall, regal lady greeted us. We could tell she was Headmistress Helena by the way she carried herself.

Dressed perfectly, she had mysterious eyes. I felt a bit cautious around her, and I think my friends did too.

"Welcome, esteemed princesses," Helena said, sounding very authoritative. "I am Headmistress Helena, the leader of this fancy school. It's an honor to have you here."

We all curtsied respectfully, curious about what's going on.

Alexandra, always diplomatic, spoke first. "Thank you, Headmistress Helena. We're happy to learn and grow here."

I knew Daniella couldn't resist flirting, and she winked at Helena, saying, "Yes, Headmistress, we're lucky to have such a beautiful and wise leader."

Since my friends had their say, I couldn't resist adding my own touch. With a mischievous gleam in my eyes and a smirk, I said, "Of course, we hope to have some fun too. Life's too short to be serious all the time, right?"

Helena's smile faltered briefly but then came back. "Princess Charlotte, we believe in a well-rounded education. But discipline and focus are very important for excellence."

I nodded with my smirk still on my face, and the three of us exchanged knowing looks, sensing there was more to Helena's words.

As we followed her through the fancy hallways, I couldn't help but feel that there were secrets in this school.

Our adventure in this new world had just begun, and as the doors closed behind us, we braced ourselves for the challenges, friendships, and mysteries ahead in the Royal School.

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