Chapter 10: Unveiling Secrets

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Alexandra's POV

Excitement filled the air as we made our way towards or class. We couldn't help but continue our animated discussion about the Enchanted Scepter and the newfound knowledge we had discovered.

As we settled into orr seats, our minds still abuzz with the artifact, a familiar face caught our attention.

Sebastian, the charismatic and kind-hearted prince, approached our table with a warm smile.

"Mind if I join you, ladies?" Sebastian asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Of course, Sebastian. Join us!" I chirped soon realising my mistake as I saw my two besties giving me knowing glances.

SHIT! I am domed.

Both of them scooted over purposely to make room for him beside me.

Sebastian listened intently as we excitedly shared our newfound knowledge about the Enchanted Scepter.

We spoke about its powers, its connection to their royal bloodlines, and our desire to protect it from those who might seek to exploit its magic.

"I must admit, I find this all fascinating," Sebastian said, his voice filled with genuine interest. "I've heard whispers of a hidden map that leads to the artifact. Legends say it's hidden within the depths of the school."

We leaned in, our eyes widening with anticipation. "Do you know where it might be?" Charlotte asked, her voice tinged with excitement.

Sebastian leaned closer, lowering his voice. "I can't be certain, but I've heard rumors of a secret chamber beneath the old tower. It's said that the map to the Enchanted Scepter is hidden there, protected by ancient enchantments."

We exchanged glances, a mixture of determination and thrill shining in our eyes. We knew that our journey to safeguard the artifact had just taken an unexpected turn.

"We have to go there and find the map," Daniella declared, her voice filled with determination.

I nodded. "Agreed. We need to ensure that the Enchanted Scepter remains in safe hands and that its powers are never misused."

Charlotte smirked. "Looks like we're in for another adventure. Let's gather our courage, sharpen our wits, and prepare ourselves for what lies ahead."

With our hearts set on unlocking the secrets of the map, we bid Sebastian farewell and turned orr attention back to our class.

But our minds were already racing with plans and possibilities, knowing that our next step would take us closer to the Enchanted Scepter and the destiny that awaited us.

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