"Leah don't get out of the car," Isabella pleaded. "Get back here and you can run out. Get back to the paddock and you won't e disqualified." Leah hesitated. She wanted to go check on him. She finally went back around to the pitlane and barely stopped the car before she took off running. She saw one of the medical vehicles going off so she hung onto the bars on the top as it drove toward the car. The closer she got she saw his neon helmet still in the car.

"Lan," She breathed as she ran from the vehicle over to his car. Others were starting to surround him. "Lando?" She stripped out of her helmet and threw it on the ground next to her as she touched his arm. He was limp. "Lando, come on?" Her eyes water as she gripped his arm. "Lando! Please!" She was pulled back as the others attempted to get some kind of consciousness out of him. Leah was holding onto someone's arm. She didn't know whose it was, but she had her hand pressed to her chest as she started to panic. She quietly repeated please over and over and over.

"Aw fuck," Lando breathed. Leah heard him and moved forward as a sob escaped her lips. She couldn't lose anyone else. She couldn't. He slowly pulled himself from the car. "Leah?" He muttered as she saw his wife with tears streaming down her face and her body shaking. She moved forward and hugged him close. He could feel her hands shaking.

"Please don't do that," Her voice wavered. Lando took a deep breath and took his helmet and balaclava off before hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry," he breathed. "I'm so sorry. I'm okay, I'm okay."

"I can't lose you too," She muttered into his chest as she tried to calm herself. Lando could barely hear her assure herself. "He's alive. He's alive. He's alive." She repeated over and over.

"I'm okay, I'm sorry," He kissed her temple and looked around at the cameras. She leaned back and wiped her eyes before kissing him.

"You can't," She swallowed her sob before shaking her head.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," He kissed her temple again and held her close as they took his car off the track. "You know how I feel though every time I see you in a wrecked car." Leah held on tight to his suit not letting him go because she was afraid that he may drop dead if she let go. Her will is the only thing keeping him up. He was okay.

She reminded herself and Lando understood why she was so freaked out. He felt bad that he made her feel this way, but there wasn't much he could do to avoid the crash. His power steering went out for a moment and he crashed. It knocked him out for a few minutes or dazed at least. They got into one of the vehicles and drove back to the paddock.

"Go win the race for me please," Lando kissed her gently his thumb wiping away her stray tears as she stared up at him. One of the medics handed her the helmet she left by his car and balaclava. She nodded and gave him an unsure smile as she kissed his cheek before taking off and running down the paddock as the cars were put back into order. Leah was still at the front. She was still trying to calm herself down from earlier.

"I know that was scary for you Leah, but all you have to do is finish the race," Isabella reasoned as she looked over at Cassidy who was chewing on her nails nervously. They both knew that this was going to affect Leah's mental concentration for the rest of the race, but the good thing was she only had two more laps to go to finish this race.

"I know, I know," Leah let out a long breath. She was trying to slow her breathing so she didn't have a panic attack in the car while she drove. The safety car left and she took off. She just wanted to finish this race. Get through the interviews and then go lay with Lando making sure that he's alright.

"Leah Guessey is driving fast for the last two laps, she has a major gap to her teammate," John laughed a little.

"It's because she wants to get back to Lando, the faster she gets this race over with the sooner she can go see him and I don't blame her," Ted reasoned as they watched Leah win the race. "Leah Guessey takes first! Charles Leclerc is second! And Max Verstappen is thrid!"

Mind of Steel | Part two | L.N.Where stories live. Discover now