"Sure you can. Whenever you need to cool off, you can go out doors to breathe. But please don't be out there more than an hour or away from the premises. As TV producers, we are responsible for all of you guys' well beings," he informed.

              "Okay, thanks," she said, closing the door gently. When Nina went outside to clear her mind, she sat on the last staircase going down. "God I hope all of these cameras are off now." She then dials Stacy's number.

              "Hey girl, I saw you," Stacy said excitedly.

              "I hope they don't have the camera on me now do they?" She asked, feeling uncomfortable. 

              "No, now they just have the camera on Jessica and Josh. Great couple you've chosen," Stacy said.

               "Yeah, thanks," she said.  

              "I have to ask, is the ghostly events part of the reality TV act because each episode is getting better and better?" Stacy asked eagerly.

               "No, it's actually strange things happening that we can't explain," she said.

               "What? Really?" Stacy asked.

               "Yess. Stacy I know you heard me say something about the haunted motel we went to a few weeks ago did you?" She asked.

              "Yeah girl, what was that about?" Stacy asked.

              "What do you mean?" She asked.

              "No. What did you mean about the haunted motel you said we all went to a few weeks ago? I know that had to be on script," Stacy said.

              "Stacy, you are telling me you don't remember us going on a trip to a strange motel a few weeks ago?" She asked.

               "No I don't. Wait... That wasn't in the script?" Stacy asked.

               "Aww come on. Not you. Not my best friend," she said.

               "Nina, you are scaring me a little. That mansion has either got you hypnotized or you are going crazy," Stacy said.

               "No one doesn't believe me," she said sadly.

               "This isn't going to ruin our friendship is it? Because I don't remember it, is it?" Stacy asked.

               "No, of course not Stacy. We are BFFs for life," she reassured.

               "Glad to hear you say that. Now go get ready for episode 8th. I can't wait," Stacy said excitedly.

               "Okay, bye bye for now," she said.

When Nina infiltrated back into the mansion, she sprinted up the stairs to her room and got ready for the 8th episode. Within 15 minutes of every episode the guests have to meet with the TV's make-up artist and fashion designer. While preparing, Nina's phone buzzes with a text message. 

              "Omg, I forgot to turn this thing off," she said, grabbing the phone from her bed. Nina thought the text message was nothing at first until she thoroughly read the message carefully. It was an alarming and mysterious text. It was an unusual text message that had no name with an unknown number.

               "Who could this be?" She asked herself.



        (Unknown Number)



Nina, you better pack your belongings while you still have the chance. 

You think u are seeing and hearing things now but wait til 8th episode. 

It's a death trap among us in this mansion.

Someone among u will die.

          Nina gaped at the message for a while in fear. She is even more afraid of the mysterious death text than the paranormal events that took place.

               "Oh God, what should I do?" She asked herself. An instant thought that came to her mind was that the text could have been part of the TV's prank. Thinking of that made her feel relieved. So she turns her cell phone off disregarding the message.

              "Pranksters," she said, shaking her head and discarded her phone into the drawer. She still has not changed her mind about the paranormal though.

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