Chapter 12

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  The third couple that Nina and Adam chose was Jane and Derek. Jane is tall, petite, and has brown and black hair and Derek has dark sexy slick back hair. They both are a decent couple. They would make a decent couple. Carson announced their 8th episode game.

       "Our next chosen couple is Jane and Derek. You both will go on a treasure hunt date. You both will pick a place that has meaning for you as a couple. Your treasure hunt might end at your favorite restaurant. 

Pick a final spot where you can set up everything you need to. I will make sure you get permission if you're going to set up a business, school, restaurant or café. You both will take the time to get to know each other and even know your darkest secrets. You have 15 minutes to find your dating place," Carson instructed.

     "Soo Derek, what place do you think we should choose for our date?"

     "huh... I don't' know. The only place I can think of that is significant is a school," Derek suggested.

    "Great. School is our vote then," Jane agreed.

           Jane and Derek have their date set in a high school called Denver High School Academy. The space they are occupying in the school is a gym room that they have significance to. Jane was a cheerleader and Derek was on the basketball team. Their picnic table is in the center of the gym room that has two antique dishes on both of their sides. In that dish is notes.

        "So who goes first?" Jane asked nervously.

        "You, I want to know all about your dirty little secrets?" he said flirtatiously while smiling.

       "Hehehe, okaay," she said, taking the handle off the antique dish and grabbing the pink note. "NON-BINARY?"

       "You?" He asked.

       "I don't even know what this means," she said.

       "Okay, turn it over, and see if it has a name?" He asked.

       "Ohh, you Derek," she showed.

       "Okay, yes," he said.

       "What does NON-BINARY mean?" She asked curiously.

       "That means someone may identify with more than one gender, no gender. Gender identity is separate from sexual or romantic orientation. Non-binary people have various sexual orientations," he informed.

      "I'm sorry, I'm lost," she said, baffled.

      "It's more like pan-sexual.... God I can't believe I am saying this on National TV," he said, nervously placing his hand flat on his face.

       "Take your time," she comforted. 

      "Thank you," he sighed. "Pan-sexual means sexually or romantically attracted to someone regardless of their genders."

      "So you're gay?" She asked.

      "Meaning that I don't feel like a man or a woman," he admitted.

      "What are you saying? You're transgender?  " She asked.

       "No. But  I find both gender attractive," he admitted truthfully.

      "So just to clarify this up, basically you are bisexual?" She asked.

      "Yeah, you can say that," he nodded truthfully.

      "So you like boys and girls huh?" She asked, and smirked.

      "Yes," he answered.

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