Chapter 9

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"Excuse me sir," Nina tapped Jacob the producer on the shoulder.

                          "Yes, Nina, what can I help you with?" He asked, turning around.

                          "Who is Cecelia Horthway?" Nina asked while pointing upward at the wall.

                          "Cecelia Horthway was the black single widow of this mansion in the 1800s. After her husband Robert Horthway and her daughter Emily Horthway died, she became irate and depressed. She took her own life a year later," He informed. Nina pondered that this story does not correlate with the motel story.

                          "What about the Cecelia Horthway motel?" Nina asked.

                          "Motel?" He asked, giving her a baffled expression.

                          "Yeah. You talked about it a few weeks ago on our trip," she recalled.

                          "Trip a few weeks ago?" He asked, shaking his head.

                          "Yess... you don't remember?" Nina asked.

                          "Nina, this is our first trip this year," he informed.

                          "Omg, not you too," she said, aggravatedly and tramped away from him. "This doesn't make any sense. Someone is playing a trick on me or something. I know I'm not insane. We went to that motel a few weeks ago," Nina whispered to herself. 

                          "Okay everyone, I would like to introduce you to our one and only best make up artist Keke Palmer. She will assist you all with your make up. And I would also like to introduce you to our one and only fashion designer Nick Sue," Jenny greeted. 

                           "Hello," everyone said, waving their hands.

                           "I see you all are well dressed and look stunning. Everyone is just on TV makeup. So before Keke do you all's make up I will direct you to your rooms upstairs now. And Just to let you all know, these stairs are very long so you will be getting a workout everyday walking down and up these stairs so get used to it while being here," he apprised. "And remember, everything you do now is live. So there are cameras all around this house except the bathroom. No one wants to see anyone's private areas. Your rooms even have cameras hidden. I'm just letting you know to beware. Everything you say or do will be recorded on TV forever."

                          They all plodded up the stairs to their rooms, and all the rooms were enormous with lots of walk-through spaces. All the rooms had a walk-in closet. Nina did not care about how the mansion looked anymore. She is starting to think she is going crazy. Nina just sat on the edge of her large queen-sized bed staring at the floor. "How come when I ask those do they remember keeps saying that never happened?" She asked herself. She then thought about what Stacy would say. "Oh shoot, what if what I just said is being recorded? Omg God," Nina said nervously. "Then I know Stacy is still watching this." Even though Nina knows there are no cell phones allowed in the mansion, she was still going to talk to her best friend someway or somehow without the cameras watching.

                        After Keke finished the TV cast's makeup, they all had to go back downstairs and wait 30 minutes to prepare themselves for the bachelor's selection. Nina is getting uninterested in this whole Reality TV position. Out of all people, she expected her man to know about the haunted motel they went to. Nina wanted to get away from the mansion and sneak outside to call Stacy, but it seemed impossible to do  because the bachelor selection is about to go on. 

                    "So Nina, how do you feel about getting selected," Carson the TV interviewer asked. 

                    "At this point, it doesn't matter. It's cool and all," she said. Nina did not have anything much to say.

                    Jessica calms down Nina and Ryle.

                    "We have a long day tomorrow guys. And I heard Piper say there is a competition tomorrow so get some sleep, Nina," Jessica said. Nina thought going to bed is exactly what she needed. Nina goes to her room and Jessica and Ryle also leave.

                    On the next day, Nina meets Adam, Derek, Emily, and Logan. They were already waiting in the living room. Nina converses with them and suddenly Jacob strolled into the room.

                    "Hey guys, the competition will start soon," Jacob informed them. After a few hours, Carson and the crew come and starts the competition. 

                    "So this competition is a treasure hunt  and the competition is going to happen in pairs  you will be given an item and you should hide it who's ever. The teams are Noah and Jane, Malisa and Ryle, Nina and Adam, Jessica and Logan, Emily and Josh," Carson instructed. After that, they all go and hide the items. An hour later, they gathered up the winner of the contest.

                   "Looks like we have winners. And the winner is Nina and Adam," Carson announced.

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