Chapter 36

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  At that particular point Nina does not know what to do. No phone privileges. No outside privileges. She would have to be inside engaging in what the others are doing. She thought the only person in the crew would be easier to talk to is Jane. Nina knocked on Jane's door and she opened it. 

               "Hey Nina, what's up?" Jane asked.

               "I could really use a friend right now," Nina said, feeling distraught and missing her friend badly.

                "Don't we all, come in girl," she said.

                "You know, you remind me so much of my best friend Stacy," Nina said, missing her friend deeply.

               "Really?'' She asked, astonished.

               "Yeah," Nina said.

               "That's the first. No one ever said I reminded them of their best friend before. I'll take that as a compliment," she said.

               "I hate that he took away our phone and outside privileges," Nina said.

               "I hate that too. I'm not an outside person but I would love to be on my phone. I feel so lonely in this place," she said.

               "I know, I am too," Nina said. Nina and her conversed for a while and got to really know one another and also about Emily, the detectives, and the paranormal. "The detectives said everyone lied and said you guys didn't see what I had seen, but I know you all saw that girl Jenny too. Why did you deny it?"

               "Well, I denied it because who would've believed that we all saw a ghost? I couldn't have told the cops that. They would look at me like I am insane," she said.

               "Yeah I understand. They didn't believe me either when I told them. Most people don't believe in the paranormal," Nina said.

               "Yeah. I'm not much of a believer, but I know what I saw," she admitted. 


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