Chpt 1: Just The Beginning

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A vampire teleported with the energy she had left into the werewolves territory falling on a Boulder hitting her head and blacking out

The next morning after the full moon night.
"Isaac, I'll race you to the lake" Dylan yelled shifting into his dark brown beast. It's didn't take long for Issac to shift into his bigger black beast and catch up to him.

He suddenly caught a swift of a strong smell and without thinking he ran towards the scent.

Isaac's p.o.v.

'what is that smell, smells terrible but special.' my wolf howled in curiosity. He was acting different. He's the wolf in me so I trust him cuz he has a strong intuition.

The scent is finally getting stronger. We finally came upon the smell and there was a girl laying there drenched in blood with arrows sticking out. It was absolutely crimson to look at.

I rushed to her picking her head up that was bashed on the big boulder into my lap. I felt tingles shoot up my arms as I touched her.

'MINE' my wolf was going ballistic. If I was in wolf form, he would be wagging his tail in protective mode. I almost did shift from the excitement of finding her. But I stayed as she is badly injured.

"What the hell are you doing?" As soon as someone spoke I pulled my mate closer to me until I looked to see who it was, my beta Dylan. I growled at him to back off.

"Isaac it's just me. What the hell man!" He yelled at me for growling. Then He looked at the girl in disgust.

"Will you help me bring her back to the pack house?" I asked him

"Dude your insane. That's a fucking bloodsucker. There's no way your family is going to allow that thing anywhere near our pack. I'm surprised she isn't dead, we should end her-....."

As he argued I had gently put her back down and was at his throat pinning him into a tree. "Don't" I said looking him into his eyes to show him where his place is. I'm the alphas son, next to be alpha, Dylan is my chosen beta.

He tapped me on the back to tell me he understands so I then let go. I went back over to my bleeding girl.

I know shouldn't be too rough on him since he doesn't know but I cant let my guard down specially since shes a vampire that's my mate. One slight move, something bad can happen to her.

I death glared him, "help me now!" He does support me with all my decision.

"Okay man we need to get the arrows out first so when we move her the arrows wont puncher something else in her." Kneeling down to her, my heart just aches, I cant believe some one would do this to her. "I'm going to pull the arrows out straight like they went in, your going to press your jacket around the arrow to apply pressure so it will hopefully not bleed more."

I put my jacket around the arrow as he went to touch it,"onch!" He pulled back from it as fast as he could. "Wolfsbane, of course. This is supernatural hunters' doing. Wood for vampires and wolfsbane for werewolf. These hunters are different tho, they are more logical. We need to tell you parents!"

I'm shocked. This can be dangerous to everyone. A threat!

"Keep holding it"

He takes his shirt off and use that to touch the arrows, he took his time and pulled it out straight. Blood came flowing out of the wound, i press the shirt to it. We move on the next and the next. There were bout 7 arrows in her. Taking bout an hour. We waited for the blood to stop pouring out.

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