Here's Mommy

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Mommy Long Legs

The hallway they found themselves wandering was no different than any other hallway. High ceilings. Pitch black on both ends. Yellowish light. Posters. Dust.
Alli was starting to drag, shoes making scuffs in the dirt. It was late, the time on her watch reading a few past one in the morning. They had already been trapped there for almost seven hours and were not any closer to finding what they were originally looking for. There was no sign of any of the missing teens, not even a footprint in the dust that surrounded them.
Despite the tiredness Alli felt energized, adrenaline still pounding through her veins.
The flashlight beams reflected off of a door, sending flashes of light into their eyes. They approached it, with the hand pads on either side, and Jansen readied the Grab Pack. Alli crossed her arms as she waited for him, letting out a heavy and exhausted breath.
He shifted to grab the triggers of the Grab Pack, adjusting it on his shoulders as Alli shone the light at the door.
Dust dripped down onto their heads and Alli shielded her eyes from the grainy substance as the ceiling above them creaked.
"What the-?" Jansen started, safety squinting against the darkness over their heads; dark dust falling onto his face and contrasting against his cheeks.
A pink hand, the same as the one that had grabbed Poppy, shot down from the darkness with the sound of stretching rubber and wrapped around Jansen's arm.
He yelped and stumbled back, dropping limp to the floor as the arm started to retract with the Grap Back arm in tow.
Alli jumped forward, grabbing Jansen's arm and pulling back against the tug of the pink hand.
The Grab Pack hand stretched, the pink arm disappearing into the blackness again before the Grab Pack arm snapped completely. Metal screeched and the compact arm flew back at them, smacking the floor near their feet.
They both took a breath, scared and surprised all in one. They were silent, terrified. Hearts pounding in their throats.
Metal raked across metal in a hollow ring. The sound of sticky rubber peeling away from smooth plastic made Alli's teeth hurt, it was sweaty sounding. Pipes rattled and there was an aching creak of weight being applied to beams that couldn't hold it.
Slowly, shadows blossomed across the yellow walls. A face looked down at them, with bright green eyes and a manic smile.
"You can't leave yet," said the face with the pera-smile, head jerking from side to side as it watched them. "Where do you think you're going?"
Alli and Jansen's mouths dropped open, too stunned to speak.
Mommy Long Legs looked down at them, long arms pulling from the ceilings as her body twisted and contorted. She watched them with unseeing eyes, dilated pupils and green irises. She smelled like old rubber and flowery perfume, dust and plastic.
"It's been so long since I've had a new play- friend," Mommy's face drew closer to theirs, eyes rolling back and forth in her plastic head. "I won't let you leave... they always left me to go play the games. Then they would never come back,"
Alli swallowed despite how dry her mouth was, she felt like was breathing chalk dust.
Mommy looked at Alli, cocking her head, "You look like... a friend,"
Alli couldn't breathe.
"I know you," Mommy continued, "You-" she shuttered, entire body quivering, "You!" she repeated, but Alli didn't know what for.
Jansen had Alli by the arm, pulling her back slightly the closer Mommy Long Legs got to them.
"You want to leave too," Mommy continued, "I'll give you the code to the train– if you play my games. It's been so long since I've had someone to play with,"
"What happened to Poppy?" Alli asked finally, taking a deep breath afterwards.
"Poppy?" Mommy said sharply, voice grating across her throat, "Who cares about Poppy?"
"Is she okay?" Alli asked, "She said-"
"Now you listen to me!" Mommy screamed, face contorting, "You will play my games or I will rip you apart and eat your insides!"
Alli jumped at her first outburst, then slowly sank in on herself the longer Mommy screamed at them.
"I'll turn on the lights for you," Mommy went on, voice lightening as she talked more sweetly, "You play my games– everyone is happy. You get to leave and I... well we'll see,"
Alli pressed her lips together, "Alright," she said, "But let me ask you a question-"
"I'll answer your questions if you're still alive by the end of our games," Mommy said, grinning insanely.
Alli started to shake her head, "But-"
"Don't-! Make me repeat myself!" She yanked Alli up by the front of her shirt, pulling her away from Jansen and off of the ground, "You're so disrespectful towards your-" she dropped Alli without finishing. "Find your way back if you wish to live,"
Alli sank to her knees and watched as Mommy Long Legs regressed back into the pitch black ceiling over their heads.
"Allison-" Jansen said, grabbing her by the shoulder, "You good?"
She nodded silently, taking a shallow breath.
"Are- are we really going to do this?" he asked softly, looking up at where Mommy had disappeared to.
Alli nodded again, unable to formulate her thoughts.
"Al... this is crazy,"
"I know," she breathed, slowly coming to the realization that Mommy had known her.
"We can't actually go along with this... can we?"
"I have to find out-" Alli started, "I need to know if... well, you know,"
He shook his head, "No, I don't think I know,"
"She's Marie," Alli said, feeling her face fall into a horrified and slack expression, "I'm sure of it,"

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