The Young And Dumb Years: Chapter 6

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Oh I'm sorry well he really loved u"
"Then why he leave me" I say with a tear in my eyes
"Cause he loved u so much he didn't know how to say goodbye"
I say nothing I love Katie and all but that explanation was stupid. This isn't some love story it's reality and reality sucks.
We continue the assignment and exchange basic gossip.
"Hey Sofia"
"Ya" I replied
"Would u be able to find me a date"
"Ya what do u like"
"Smart and sporty"
"Ok got u"
at the end of class we go our separate ways and at that moment I realize I have to meet Kyle at the library for writing great.
I decided to let louisan a stay an extra 1 hour and 30 minutes in the pond. I bring a note book and pencil. as always Kyle is early. I walk through the endless shelves of books to finally find a clearing where Kyle is.
"Hey" I say as depressed as I can
"Hello" he says joyfully
"So what r we writing about"
"U don't want to talk" say Kyle sadly
"Ok what if we write an Egyptian theme with Aten as the main character"
"Not happening who is he anyway"
"Egyptian God and why not"
"Cause I'm more of a Greek mythology girl myself"
I roll my eyes
"Ok so what should we then done" he says sarcastically
"How about we try this writing technique i know I write and paragraph then u continue off of it and we just keep rotating"
"I will start"
I write something about a girl how is crush about how her boyfriends cheating on her
"U love writing tragic love stories don't u"
"I do"
"Well I write action"
"Sucky action" I say under my breath
The story turns to the girl confining in extreme motorcycle ridding.
I see a purple object fly across my face and land on the paper. Another hits my head. I jump. I turn to Kyle he is trowing erasers at me. I pick one up and trow it at him. I turns into a eraser war and I'm losing. surprisingly I am having fun I even giggle.
"Ok please let me work I haven't even wrote a sentence"
I begin writing again and a sharp pains goes through my body. I flinch. it felt like a shot something that only hurts for a second but still hurt. I turn to see Kyle poking me with a blue and black mechanical pencil
"Stop it " I say flicking my hand at the pencil but he keeps poking me. I laugh and laugh.
I try to ignore him but it keeps capturing my attention every time he pocks me.
"Shhhh" say the old librarian passing us
"Sofia" he says
"Yeeeesss" I say stanching the word out so I can finish my thought of what I was writing.
"Want go out sometime"
I stand with anger. he did not ask me out after after everything he has done to me. sure he's smart and fun NO I can't date him I am happy with Carter. but Kyle has the nerve to ask me out.
I violently begin to walk away.
I feel on the verge on tears. I find myself backed into a corner. I feel a soft gentle hand grab my wrist. It's Kyle.
"Sofia what's wrong"
"What's wrong "I say softly. I then notice the camera. I grab the closets book which seems to be to kill a mockingbird and open it so it covers me and Kyle's face allowing no one to hear us.
"What's wrong is that I have a boyfriend and u r asking me out"I say
"I'm dating Carter. and u left me how could u ask me out when u left me"
"Sofia. I'm sorry about that but I love u"
"I can't love u"
"But u want to"
"Sofia I know u like me"
"But I can't. Kyle" I begin
He puts his hand above my head caging me in. he puts his lips on mine. he soft lips remind me of the young years. I never knew how much I missed his kisses. But I can't like them I love Carter he's a better kisser right. I don't resist. he brings he lips down placing them on my collar bone. I feel his warm breath. I I love Carter right.

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