The young and dumb years: Chapter 23

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He places his hand on a small patch of my back as he guilds me somewhere. The than stops me. I heard a door open  and he shoves me through it. I than feel him taking off the blind fold and I see everyone.
They are all gathered around a table with candy covering every inch. Behind them there are table with different Alice in wonderland character and packs of cards stacked everywhere. Out of the corner of my eye I see a gift table but whatever. But everyone is there. I made Jillian my maid of honor so I figured she planned it but I also asked Kaitlin and Maddy to be braids maids.
"Surprise" screamed everyone pulling me into a hug
Tears roll down my eyes and all I heard is aws.
"Okay" starts Jillian " we planed a few games"
"First we thought some bullshit and cut and gibes" says Kaitlin
"My fav"
"Then your most embarrassing memory of the bride" says Maddy
"And lastly in one piece of Alice's grow big cake we hide a key that unlocks to a box with a special surprise" says Jillian
"Is it the potion that will make me grow big cause I need that" I say
Georgia almost died laughing
"Okay well cards first" says Maddy
I sit at a table with Kaitlin, Georgia, Maddy across from me and Jillian and Katie on the sides of me.
We play bullshit 3 times and I win the second time, Katie wins the first, and Kaitlin wins the 3rd.
We than begin cuts and gibbes. Georgia is my partner and our signal as hair twirl.
"So Sofia how's the wedding planning going" asks Katie
"Carter seems to have it covered" I replie
"Groomzilla" laughs Georgia
"Nah. So have you guys got the invites yet"
"No actually" says Kaitlin
"Garbage"I say "I'll talk to Carter"
"How are you and trisopher doing Georgia" I ask
"Good"she replies
"No wedding yet" asks Maddy
"Maybe we both agreed we wanted to get put degrees first if we ever get married"
"Cool" says Jillian
"Cuts" screams Katie she caught Kaitlin Maddy
Jillian passes out the next seat and we begin again
"What's going on with you and Nate Katie "I ask
"Really good but we are no where near a wedding. How about you Jillian no special guy"
"No since Orest. Hey Sofia can I live in you basement" she asks
"You can have kitchenette pig cat and everything you want for all I care"
"Sounds good to me" says Jillian
"Gibbes" shouts Georgia
Yes we won.
The rest of the day was so fun. We ended up playing poker I won 7 dollars and lost 2. I didn't win the prize though. It was $20 to Starbucks so not much of a loss. It was wonderful though Louisana enjoyed all the special attention and was sad to leave.

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