The Young And Dumb Years: Chapter 12

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He kisses me and I melt as always. he takes his suitcases and walk out the room. I grab the stupid pig and a bag labeled supplies and walk to my room thinking of how in gonna explain to Carter that my turtle ate him.
When I get to my room Kaitlin's waiting for me with the masters list.
"Why do you have Carter hamster"she says
"It's not a hamster and he left"
I explain to her exactly what Carter told me I try not to sound upset but I'm kinda am. I will miss him but there's nothing I can do
"Oh" she says
"Is Maddy still out" I ask
"Oh here's a masters list"
"Oh thanks"
I hold the paper saying
Jill~ sister
Tay~ victim
Gabe~ Ethan/ co-kidnapper
Nate~ kidnappers
Katie~ hair and makeup
Maddy~ backdrops
Sofia~ costumes
Sloan~ score
Girl who thinks she is meeting boyfriend but gets kidnap. kidnappers run away leaving her unconscious. she thinks it's a dream. kidnappers break into home and kill both sister and girl
"Not bad when is it due" I ask
"In a mouth"
I think about it it's only 4 characters so not that bad.
"Thank you so much" says Kaitlin embracing me
2 weeks later
I end up stay in my room for 1 and a half hours sketching. it took me so long for each time I draw a line I think of Carter.
Around 3:30 Maddy comes through the door.
"Hey" I say
"Hey" she replies almost in a day dream
"Where you been"
"On a date then history class"
"What are u doing"
"Sketching for the play all sketches are done but I miss Carter"
"Aw I'm sorry"
"It's fine. I'm going to my house to work on sewing the costumes"
"Can I help"
"Sure come on"
We walk to my car. it's only a 10 minute drive. Maddy talks about her date. I try to listen but I'm a little distracted.
When we get to my house I head to my sew room. my k-more old sewing machine is there. Maddy helps pick out so Jean like fabric for the vest a yellow cotton for the t-shirt and a darker Jean fabric for the pants. as I sew Maddy continues to talk but again I think of Carter
"Sofia how about you go see him" she says
"See who" I say as if I woke up
" Carter go see him"
"Like go to New Mexico"
She nods
"I can't"
"You can"
"Go for the week"
I consider it. it's not a bad idea. I can't take another week of missing him and I can only picture how happy he would be.
"Ok I will go"
"Maddy do you want to go"
"No Sofia this is your thing"
In that one small day I finish all 4 costumes. I place them in Kaitlins bed. the only flight I could find was for today night at 8:00 so Maddy helps me pack quickly. she agrees to drive me car back to campus and will pick me up when I come back. Kaitlin comes to drop me off. we all hug. and say good bye. as I look back at the gates a quick flash of Kyle shoots through my mind. but as u turn to enter the plane I know where my future is.

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