THe Young And Dumb Years: Chapter 10

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I went to my car which I was driving. I notice Carter was in the passages seat with Katie, Nate and Kaitlin. it seemed nice.
Spent the whole time talking to Kaitlin cause I didn't want to leave her with the love birds Katie and Nate. they were laughing so hard I was gagging. it took 2 hours and 30 minutes to get there at 1 hour we took a rest stop at cvs for bags of sour patch kids, skittles, and Reese peanut butter cups and water.
When we finally reach the park we broke out the sun glasses and paid the fee. instead the park u could have sworn it was disneys twin,
"Omg Sofia" said Katie hugging me "thank u so much"
"For what" I say with a smile
"Me and Nate r dating" she blushes
"Omg I'm so happy for you"
Well at least someone's gonna be happy on this trip but I can see Kyle has a plan for romance by the evil grin.
I see Nate up ahead talking to joe so I put my hand on Katie's back" go "I scream she does a slight trip but catches up to him. I fall behind and walk with Carter.
"I matches up two people who looks so cute"
he puts his arm around my shoulder to hold me close
"Where we going"
"The log ride first I think"i say watch the rest of the group go there
I feel someone wedge between me and Carter I turn to see Kyle in between us.
"Hey guys what's up"
"Kyle can we talk" I say annoyed. I grab and pull him a little ahead
"I invited u to come not to ruin my relationship"
"I didn't I wanted to say hi"
I stare at him so hard it's like I can melt him
"Ok fine I will stop"
with that we reach the line everyone is here
"I call going with Kaitlin" I Say grabbing her hand
"I want this loser" say Carter pulling me into his arms
Jillian, Taylor and Sloan went together Katie, Nate, Kyle and drew. but was left alon so I called him over to go with us.
"Ok" he said
After 15 minutes of laughter and waiting we got in me in the front then Carter Kaitlin joe in the back.
It was fun but I came out soak.
We went of almost every ride but u was getting dark and the sun was setting so we decided to go on the carouse wheel.
It was me and Carter, Kaitlin and Kyle, Katie and Nate, Jillian and Taylor, Maddy and gabe, and Sloan and drew the whole time in line Kyle kept flicking Kaitlin in the head and she was scratching him. finally we got into the carts.
I take a breath and don't look down. I watch the yellow sun go purple. as I place my head on carters shoulder he softly whispers in my ear "I love u"
"I love u too" I whisper in his ear
"And I'm never leaving"
I turn my head and kiss his lips. he kisses me back. each time I kiss him I feel like I'm losing my self within him.
I hear someone shouting my name like screaming it
"HEY SOFIA" It's Kyle I pull away
"DEFINITELY NOT KISSING" Say Carter leaning in
that was the last word we heard from him we kissed a little more but when the ride was over we all got back to the car to go home. and we may have left joe in the park but I think he found a way home.

The Young And Dumb Years(#Wattys2016)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum