Bonus part 1

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I want to let you know that I didn't intend to dwell on the game elements the player encounters at the beginning of botw. I apologize if some parts seem too fast for you, but as it's not the main focus of the story, I didn't linger on them. That's why I chose not to include it in the main storyline, as I was afraid I might have rushed through that chapter. Thank you for your understanding x)


An intense void... A penetrating cold...

Solitude and a deep sense of guilt.

No being should feel all of this at once. Yet, they mercilessly gnawed at a young man. At first distant, he gradually perceived the sound of flowing water, faint echoes of splashing reaching him. A warm embrace surrounded his body despite the chill in his heart. It was as empty as his mind...

Who am I?

A soft whisper brushed his ears, as if... as if someone was calling him. But he struggled to comprehend the words. His entire body remained numb. A faint golden glow reached him, illuminating him. It guided him... It pulled him out of the void that held his soul captive.

"Wake up..." a benevolent voice murmured, soothing him.

The young man's chest filled with air, feeling no pain; only the comforting warmth slowly fading away. Slowly, his eyelids lifted, revealing a blurred and unsettling blue spot. The blond-haired man furrowed his brow slightly as he gazed upon this thing he saw for the first time.

Who am I?

His eyes shifted to the side, observing his surroundings. Nothing seemed familiar... With slowness, he sat up, displaying a discreet grimace; his muscles still too asleep to move properly. Goodness, where was he? Without sudden movements, the young man left his stone bed and stepped over the edges, careful not to fall. After placing both feet on the icy floor, a shiver ran through his entire body, and he nearly stumbled as he attempted to walk. Thankfully, he managed to steady himself with the object that had kept him safe for so long.

Standing next to the chamber, he shivered from the cold, holding his arms close as he looked around the room with concern. Everything felt dark in his mind. The sense of emptiness he felt was so heavy, so bewildering that immense distress seized him. Who was he? Even his own name was unknown to him... As if he was nothing more than a shadow of his former self.

The young man felt a presence within the tight grip of his closed fist. Slowly, he brought it closer and unfurled his fingers, revealing what looked like a brooch. The metal had rusted, but there were still traces of blue. His heart uncomfortably tightened in his chest, and his eyes stung. To whom did this jewel belong? Why was it in his hand? And what was this feeling that twisted his gut so painfully...

"Link..." called a feminine voice from somewhere. "Link!"

This name resonated within him, awakening a buried part of his mind. Yes... He was certain of it! His name was Link... But who was calling him? The stranger possessed a soft and warm voice. She guided him through the room, giving him several directions. He had to take hold of the slate embedded in a strange glowing pedestal. He did so with some hesitation. It was a very heavy accessory. He flinched when the screen lit up on its own and displayed:

Incubation complete: finished. Subject recovery: finished. Sensory tests: no malfunctions detected.

Incubation... complete? What was that? Link glanced at his body and discovered numerous scars on his skin, including a sizable one on his abdomen. What had happened to him? This simple question made him dizzy. He called himself Link and seemed to have endured severe injuries... It was all very strange. The voice urged him to place the slate on another pedestal farther away, which then opened a heavy stone door, revealing a dark passage. With caution, Link ventured into it.

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