Chapter 3

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Knight's Code of Honor

1. He exemplifies behavior guided by the values of Chivalry - bravery, generosity, honor, and courtesy.


Mipha was struck by the announcement, leaving her breathless. Her worst fears had just become a reality. Perhaps it was just a rumor... But the harsh truth caught up with her, shattering her good mood and leaving her looking bewildered.

"How could a weakling like him receive such a prestigious title?!" Revali protested, pointing at the Hylian Champion who was walking away. He has no power! And it's not with a mere sword that he will protect the princess."

"Link is the finest swordsman in the kingdom," argued Urbosa, crossing her arms. "He is the only one rightfully deserving to protect her. We will surely learn more tonight."


"You have returned quickly," remarked Rhoam Hyrule upon seeing his daughter and the captain of the royal guard enter the throne room.

The princess, her face closed off, bowed politely to her father, while Link knelt down as he always did in the presence of his king. Zelda glanced briefly at him, her eyebrows furrowed, before returning her attention to the ruler of Hyrule.

"Father, did you choose the Hero as my appointed knight?" she asked in a cold voice.

Zelda did not want Link to hold that title. He was far too closed-off and expressionless. And his gaze... She thought she perceived disdain through his icy blue eyes.

"Indeed," approved the king as he approached them in the center of the room.

Her daughter's hands clenched tightly, although no one noticed.

"I believe there is no knight more capable than Link to assume this role," he continued before asking the young man to rise.

Link straightened up, his heart racing despite his lack of expression. He had never been comfortable in the presence of his king. This additional title only added to the pressure he already felt due to his great responsibilities.

"Father!" exclaimed the princess, taking a step forward. "It is only fair that I choose! Let me find someone older, more experienced..."

Rhoam Hyrule waved his hand abruptly to silence her, annoyed.

"You have no say in this," he retorted firmly. "You carry divine power within you. It is out of the question that anything should happen to you because of an incompetent knight."

Link's breath caught as a lump formed in his stomach. Those words hurt him. He felt that the king was criticizing his peers, as if the vast majority of them were mere cannon fodder. His neck slumped, and his gaze fell to the floor of the room. Moreover, he perfectly understood that Princess Zelda did not want him. A feeling of distress arose within him, though it was almost imperceptible to others.

"Link, from now on, you will be by my daughter's side whenever she leaves Hyrule, and within the castle if necessary. Is that clear?"

The blond knight placed his fist over his heart and nodded his head in agreement. In any case, he had no say in the matter. When he dared to look at the princess, she gave him a cold stare.

"Very well, let us join the other Champions to announce the news," declared the monarch, heading towards the corridor that led outside.

Zelda, doing her best to contain her anger, followed him with an almost brusque pace. As for Link, he watched them for a moment before following, his facial features slightly tense. The three of them, escorted by a handful of royal guards, headed to one of the many fountains in the castle, where the other four prodigies were waiting, according to what a maid had said. Not far away, a buffet was being prepared in honor of the future heroes of the kingdom. Cooks hurriedly brought in the final touches.

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