Chapter 7

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Knight's Code of Honor

5. The knight seeks neither material gain nor social honor from the causes he has freely chosen to serve.


After bidding farewell and expressing gratitude to Urbosa, Zelda left the confines of Gerudo Town, joining her loyal knight not far away. With a critical eye, Link scanned the surroundings, ready to retaliate if the Yiga Clan dared to attack them again.

"Good morning," the princess politely greeted him as she approached.

Link responded with a simple nod, which didn't surprise her. Zelda knew he wouldn't start talking to her all of a sudden. Perhaps he had his reasons... Maybe she would find out one day? Together, they set off for Gerudo Canyon, accompanied by a soothing silence. Link had put a small bandage on his wound from the previous day. He still walked behind the princess but no longer felt hostility from her. Her behavior had completely changed after the Yiga attack. Link thought it might be temporary, although he hoped otherwise.

"Once we return, I'll inform my father about the Yiga Clan's actions," Zelda said loudly enough to be heard. "We must strengthen the security of the Citadel and closely monitor anyone entering the castle. After what happened yesterday, we must be more vigilant."

Link agreed. Who knew what their next move would be... Those assassins were capable of anything, as cowardly as they were treacherous. He squinted as he focused on a point in the distance. Had his role finally made sense? His efforts and vigilance had borne fruit. Everything he suspected had turned out to be true. But he didn't feel any joy in that. All of it boded ill... Even though the princess seemed to accept his presence better since he saved her. This change in their relationship unsettled him. She had suddenly become the girl she truly was, when she was with him. Link thought he had no right to speak to her. However, when he asked if she was hurt or if she wanted to sit down the previous night, Zelda didn't react negatively. She didn't seem to care about their different social standings. It encouraged the knight to dare to answer her questions or even talk to her. But, of course, it would happen gradually...

The return to the castle was light-hearted despite Link's constant watchfulness. Sometimes, the princess took pictures of the wildlife and commented on the color of a fur or the elegance of a feather. Most of the time, however, she did it to hide the remorse she felt and the shame. Zelda regretted treating her knight so harshly. She truly didn't know how to repay her debt, or if Link had forgiven her. Because on the night she apologized, the Hero of the Sword didn't say a word. When she appeared before her father the king, with only Impa and Oswald present, Zelda explained what had happened and rightly praised Link's courage. Impa suggested giving Link a medal, but Oswald opposed it, stating that he had only done his duty as a knight. There was no need for such a big reward. The king agreed, and the meeting ended there.

On the way to her chambers, Zelda told Impa how badly she had treated Link, the words she had used, and her regrets. Instead of lecturing her further, Impa smiled with relief.

"A good understanding between you two could result in an efficient duo against the return of the Calamity," Impa assured her. "You don't have to become friends, but at least get to know each other better. Don't you think?"

Zelda thought about it, looking at the floor without slowing down. Impa's words were pertinent. She had to admit it.

"Yes, that's true," she said after nodding. "But he speaks so little... Is he like this with everyone?"

"He hasn't always been," the Sheikah replied mysteriously, opening the door to the royal chamber. "I think Link should tell you himself. He's the one concerned, after all."

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