Chapter 8

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Knight's Code of Honour

6.He does not back down from the enemy or the obstacle.


The two chosen ones of the goddesses continued their journey after bidding farewell to Robbie, who promised to continue his research on anti-Calamity weapons and Guardians. Zelda and her knight rode through the snowy landscape to reach Death Mountain. Except for a few merchants, the roads were deserted, and they were accompanied only by the calm and serenity of nature. Sometimes, a fox would bound in front of them and hide behind a bush, or birds would fly away at their approach.

"Let's hope it all melts in a few days," Zelda sighed, tightening her grip on the reins. "We can't afford the snow having a negative impact on the future harvests... If resources were to run low, the castle would open its granaries and cellars to distribute food to the population."

Link saw the determination in the princess's nod, which filled him with gratitude and respect. Urbosa's words were starting to make more and more sense to him, and he was relieved. Zelda was constantly watching over her people, even if it meant putting her own interests aside. But how many people were aware of that? Link knew that the court didn't hesitate to criticize her. The princess murmured to herself about what they should do once they reached Death Mountain. Anxiety was evident in her slightly stooped posture and drooping shoulders, which didn't escape the knight. Yet, he didn't dare address her to offer reassurance. Their relationship had only recently improved, and even if they were to become friends—something Link doubted would ever happen—he wouldn't know what to say.

Several hours passed before they reached the foot of Death Mountain. They tethered their horses near a spring so that they could drink until their return. The snow was already gone, replaced by reddish rocks and soil, and the temperature had risen. They had to remove some of their warm clothing to avoid suffocating as they ascended. Few species, other than the Gorons, could endure the heat of the volcanic region. The path was not clearly marked, with few signposts to guide them. Zelda had to rely on the position of the sun or the castle, visible in the distance, to navigate westward.

"We need to scout the monster camp and see if they pose an immediate threat," Zelda repeated aloud to herself. "You, who have faced many battles before today, know well what they are capable of."

The blonde princess glanced over her shoulder to look at her companion and then stopped.

"Have you... ever lost friends?" she asked.

Link shook his head, indicating that he hadn't. He had seen knights lose their lives, but fortunately, his friends had never been among them. He wondered how he would have reacted if that had happened... His friends were few, but they meant a lot to him. Before him, the princess resumed walking and meticulously observed their surroundings, searching for the specified location. Link watched her while also pondering his own questions. Did she have close friends? If not, how had she grown up? Did she only know loneliness? In any case, he had never seen her with another girl.

After less than an hour's walk, Zelda gestured to her knight to advance silently, placing her index finger on her lips. They were going to deal with it themselves... It didn't make sense. The king, her father, should have sent a troop of soldiers. But perhaps he thought that the Champion was better equipped for the task? The two young people flattened themselves behind a rock when they heard familiar squeals from the monsters. With great caution, Link peeked over the edge to spy on the monster camp, primarily occupied by bokoblins of various colors. Were these mere underlings the king was worried about? However, the blonde furrowed his brow when he saw three white bokoblins sitting around a fire. They were much more robust and ferocious than their companions. Link had witnessed how difficult it was for his comrades to fight them in his second battle.

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