Chapter 4

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Knight's Code of Honor

2. He remains loyal to his fellow knights and demonstrates nobility of spirit.


Finally, the time had come for the four champions to return home and learn to control their Divine Beasts. Princess Zelda regretted that they had to leave so soon, but there was no time to waste. On the same day, the royal priestess set out with Impa and an escort to the nearest Spring of Power, as she was not yet seventeen and not allowed to access the Spring of Wisdom. Meanwhile, Link remained to train with his sword, under the king's orders. He began his sword practice.

For his training, Link chose to go to the training hall where there were some practice dummies and many archery targets. Normally, only regular knights had access to it, but as a Champion, he had additional privileges. As he entered, the other knights noticed him and greeted him with nods of politeness and respect. Feeling uneasy with all the attention, Link hurried down the stairs to the first level and chose an available dummy. For the rest of the morning, he skillfully wielded the legendary sword, taking occasional breaks to rest.

"Hey, Link!" exclaimed a familiar voice from behind. "It's been a while..."

He turned around to face his friends, Conrad and Gautier. Normally, Link would have been happy to see them. But at that moment, he felt a weight in his stomach.

"True, with your new role, we couldn't really come to see you," Conrad continued, smiling at his friend. "After all, simple knights like us don't have access to the areas reserved for the royal guards."

Link observed him without saying a word. Gautier and Conrad had vaguely heard rumors that the chosen hero, the Hero of the Goddesses, wouldn't talk to anyone. It saddened them, as they had known him as lively and expressive. Gautier wanted to break the silence that was starting to weigh on them.

"We saw your father the day before yesterday," he told Link cheerfully. "He asked about you, but we couldn't really give him any news... I think he left a letter for you at the Guard's office."

Gautier rubbed the back of his neck, visibly embarrassed.

"Since you're not allowed to see each other, it was the only way he could think of to communicate with you."

Link's eyes widened slightly, and he felt a strong urge to go and get that letter. With a simple glance, he thanked his friends and hurried to the indicated location, in the west wing of the castle. He missed his parents; Link couldn't understand why he was forbidden from seeing them. His duty was to protect the kingdom and the princess herself. If he had to choose between living to see his family again or dying to save the kingdom's future, he would give his life. It was his duty as a knight. He had pledged allegiance to the king and sworn to serve the royal family until his last breath.

As usual since the Hero had performed his feats on the battlefield, all eyes were on him in the corridors. He disliked it intensely as he was naturally discreet, but he would eventually get used to it. Ten minutes later, Link reached the Guard's office. The person inside quickly handed him the letter as he saw him approaching.

"A letter from your father," he announced in a monotonous voice.

Link wished he had been notified earlier. He took the letter and made his way to his room, now located in the part of the castle reserved for the officers. It was certainly more comfortable and spacious, but he missed the atmosphere of the knights, the laughter in the common room, terribly. Having privileges didn't always have its advantages. Once he was seated on one of the armchairs bearing the colors of the royal guard, Link eagerly opened the letter and read his father's words. Through the numerous lines, his father inquired about his well-being and told him some anecdotes about their family or what he planned to do in the coming days. His father also joyfully informed him that his mother was recovering from the illness that had afflicted her for so many years.

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