Chapter 25

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When feeling the fresh breeze caress his face, Link opened his eyes and lifted his head to observe the starry sky above him. No clouds covered it, allowing the brilliant moonlight to filter through. He shivered and rubbed his arm, which held the Master Sword vertically, trying to warm himself up. With the princess, they had no other choice but to come to the Spring of Power in the evening to pray. Unfortunately, this time, Zelda never entered her trance. She couldn't reach it... The events of the night before had shaken her too much. After more than an hour of effort, she finally sighed sadly, gazing at the large statue.

"Could it be that they are right and... and that I am a failed princess?" she whispered as her heart pinched into her chest. "Ten years of intense meditation and prayer have come to nothing..."

Link's ear twitched; he managed to catch what his friend was saying. Surely, deep inside, Zelda wished for him to hear and understand her.

"Impa told me that my grandmother could hear the voices of the spirits," she continued, tilting her head slightly to the side. "As for my mother, she told me that she was inhabited by a mystical force. But I... Why is this not the case?"

The young man's lips tightened as he slowly bowed his head. He couldn't do anything for her... The royal priestess let her arms fall back down along her body, her hands making contact with the icy water of the spring, causing shivers to run through her.

"All those times... All those times I came back to the castle, when I told my father that the power of the seal was still not awake, all those times I saw the disappointment and shame through his eyes. Each time I returned, he severely reprimanded me and sent me back to my apartments, accusing me of devoting all my time to my research and not to prayer."

Now a weight pressed on her chest, preventing her from breathing properly. The weight of remorse and guilt.

"With each new prayer session, my devotion and fervor grew," she assured in a small voice. "But my efforts never allowed me to access sacred power. Am I... unable to do it?"

Her lips trembled due to her inner pain and the cold. Link finally faced her, speechless.

"Link, please. I need to know..."

Gently, she turned around and gave him a pained look.

"What's wrong with me?"

The Hero's heart broke completely in the face of all his friend's distress. Link took a step towards the basin, crouched down, placing his sword beside him, and then looked at Zelda. He searched for the most fitting and heartfelt words.

"Your Highness," he said softly, so as not to rush her further. "Do not think about what all these nobles say about you. They are mistaken."

The royal priestess's eyes slowly widened as tears of frustration welled up in her eyes.

"I can see this strength deep inside you," Link told her, thinking of all the times his sword resonated with her during her trances. "You have the ability to save Hyrule, I don't doubt that for a second. However, it is by sinking into despair and low self-doubt that one can never achieve their goal."

The Hero was convinced of what he said. His feelings for the princess intensified his conviction and led him to pull her out of this sad emotional state. Zelda averted his gaze, her lips tightly pressed. The young man extended a hand towards her in the hope that she would accept it.

"Princess Zelda," he said simply to his friend, still crouching at the water's edge.

The royal priestess gave him a brief glance before finally daring to approach him. Water ripples formed and moved away from the princess as she advanced. Despite her hesitation, Zelda gave her hand to her appointed knight who placed it against his forehead for the second time in his life. Their heartbeat raced but they said nothing about it.

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