61: A Moment Of Realization

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Peridot, Steven and Labradorite spent the rest of the day trying Perry Plans until it was night when they packed up camp, letting Steven rest and Labradorite helped patch them all up.

Steven was roasting marshmallows by the fire they set, Labradorite was placing the first aid back into her gem and Peridot...

"Yes! This is going to work! This is going to be perfect! This is going to be-!" Peridot squealed hopping on foot to foot with joy.

The thing she was so happy about? It was an injector with no legs leaning on an injector leg.  The whole thing collapsed, making the sparkle in Peridot's eye die in an instance. "A waste of my time." Peridot growled, utterly done, but she couldn't give up.

Peridot walked over to where Steven and Labradorite were, sitting down next to Steven. "Why can't I master this?" Peridot asked, as Steven ate the marshmallows on his stick and looked at Peridot.

"Awe, Peridot it's okay!" Steven tried to reassure. "Even if none of your Perry Plans work, atleast they were really funny." Steven said, taking another marshmallow out of the bag and eating it.

"And the others will think so too when we go back and get them." Steven added, making Peridot look at him instead of the fire.

"Go back..?" Peridot spoke. "Let it be noted that I, Peridot, refuse to move forward, or back, until I am victorious." Peridot said, Steven took a glance at Labradorite when he said: "...Right." (Once again: this is the girl you pulled)

"I don't get it. I'm smarter than your average Peridot. How did I fail today against some bearly functional, stupid cloudy DUMB DUMB!!" Peridot yelled, basically sheathing.

"Hey, hey, corruptions aren't dumb, they just think a little different. That's all." Steven says, trying to calm down and correct Peridot.

Peridot glared at the boy before speaking. "Okay. Just to make sure my earth vocabulary is correct on this. Let's say: I'm a monster. I spend all my time slamming my face into hard objects and throwing my tongues in the air for fun. How am I not dumb?" Peridot asked, Steven gave Peridot an unsure smile.

"Well... she must be doing something right." Steven said. "She hasn't fallen for any of your Perry Plans." Labradorite added, taking a Clorox and wiping her charred face off, pissing off Peridot further. "IT'S LUCK! Nothing that thing does makes any sense!" Peridot yelled, kicking a rock into the fire.

Steven paused, thinking for a moment. A marshmallow hit Peridot square in her face, making her jolt up and stare at Steven.

"Hey." Peridot said, looking at Steven, who was preparing to throw another one. Another marshmallow hit her straight on her visors, making her growl.

Steven threw three marshmallows and continued to assault Peridot with Marshmallows. "Why are you bombarding me with your confectionery puff rocks!?" Peridot asked, getting up and scooting away from Steven, who continued to throw marshmallows her way.

"To show you what it's like to be a monster!" Steven replied, continuing to throw marshmallows.  "Pretend I'm a freaked out human screaming at you in fear! Pretend.... I'm an earth animal chasing you away from your first safe hiding spot! Pretend I'm an angry green gem trying to poof you!" Steven yelled, still assaulting Peridot with marshmallows, he could tell Peridot was getting increasingly more angry.

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