11: cracked and in a bubble

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"Did you at least find the location of where the Steven lives?" Peridot asked, almost aspirated. Labradorite nods.

"Yes he supposedly lives in a human living space  with a giant gem holding it. It might be a fusion." Labradorite informs.

"Great, as if I hadn't had my fair share of fusions." Peridot growls under her breath.

"Thank you for your observation, I'll take it from here." Peridot said.
Labradorite nodded.


Steven walked out the bathroom with a pip in his step as he walked to his loft and dove into his bed. "Good night, happy bear. Goodnight sad bunny. Goodnight playful kitty. Good night ominous triangle at the foot of my bed."

Steven closed his eyes as he finished saying goodnight to his beloved plushes. Only to open them to see that there was nothing at the foot of his bed.

He sighs and says, "whatever." Before attempting to doze off to a peaceful sleep.

Only to have a metallic green surface against his mouth. Steven yelped only for it to be muffled against the metal.


Labradorite pushed the shattered rocks together to faintly make the shape of a warp pad when the only working warp pad activated. Revealing Peridot struggling to keep a small boy, supposedly The Steven, in her arms.

"Ah! Let me go!" The Steven shouted as he tried to wiggle free of Peridots grasp, making them both fall off the warp pad. Peridot quickly got up and trapped the boy in a green light, lifting him up in the air.

"Enough of this!" She yelled, moving The Steven over to the broken warp pad in the center, where Labradorite stood. "What do you want from me!?" Steven yelled to the two gems. "We want to get off this lousy gem-forsaken planet!" Peridot growled angrily, removing her green light from the boy, making him fall onto the cold warp pad with an 'ah!'

"You have to fix this!" Peridot yelled desperately, making her dislocated fingers into arrows pointing at the broken warp pad. "Wait, what?" The Steven asked, sitting up on the shattered warp pad.

"You're our last chance! I've got no flask robonoids! I've got no foot! I've got no response from Yellow Diamond!" Peridot tries to calm down as Labradorite hugged the back of her only functional leg, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

"I know you fixed Lazuli's gem. Whatever you did, you've got to do it to the homeworld warp!" Peridot growled. "Or else!" Peridot prepared an large energy ball and aimed it towards The Steven's face.

"Uh okay! Just give me a second, my mouth gets really dry when I'm scared." The Steven says fearfully and waits for a second before locking his palm and slamming his hand on the warp pad, with a "Here goes!"

Peridot looks around and sneers at The Steven. "What was that? It didn't do ANYTHING!" Peridot yells making Labradorite shrink back into her leg. "It doesn't always work." Steven says guiltily.

"No... no, no, no, no, NO! It has to work!" Peridot yells desperately, her arms shaking. "I'm really sorry." The Steven apologies. Peridot let her arms down and began to laugh without any humor, sinking to her knees. Labradorite tried to comfort Peridot the best she could.

Forced Fusion, Gone Right?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora