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[A/N: just a heads up, most of these aren't cannon!! But in the right circumstances it can be ;3 ONTO THE CONTENT!!]

*Labradorite and Amethyst hanging out*
Labradorite: "guess who walking around here like the biggest gem around town."
Labradorite points to herself with a smug smile.

Labradorite: "wanna know why?"
Amethyst nods, surprisingly shocked.

Labradorite pulls a Destabilizer from her gem and activates it over her head, the voltage nearly blocking out her voice.

Labradorite pulls a Destabilizer from her gem and activates it over her head, the voltage nearly blocking out her voice

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<inspo from a tiktok I don't remember the name of>

*Peridot's making a call out post on Cheep*
Peridot: "I've come to make an announcement. Yellow Diamond's a bitch-ass mother fucker. She shattered my fucking wife. That's right. She took her Yellow Diamond privilege and she went ahead and shattered Labby! So I'm making a callout post on my Cheep-."


*the moment Labradorite poofed*
Labradorite:*poofs into smoke*
Peridot, all the way in the kindergarten with Steven and Amethyst:*tenses* "something just happened."


Peridot, tampering with the communication hub: "good morning, gems and humans."

Steven, in the comfort of his own home: "I'm a human and a gem!"

Peridot: "guess what? I have a brand new item for you, it's call the game cube 2, I'm going to be releasing it soon. I know that you're all jealous especially you, [insert random username here]. Listen up, there's something going on that I'm going to be doing for this. A race, a special race, there'll be something happening. Do you see this?"

A Destabilizer was shown in a diagram type way.

Peridot: "This is the Destabilizer that I am going to give to my wife and or romantic or platonic partner. It'll be their's for the rest of time, with the game cube 2. So if you want-"

Peridot was cut off by some interference.

Steven, slightly flabbergasted: "wow I didn't know Peridot was Bisexual."

Peridot's feed clicked back on.
Peridot: by the way I'm Bisexual, how do you turn this thing off-?"

<those three were inspired by the Sonic Fandub>

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