6:onions house.

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Steven stood in the middle of the kitchen as if thinking to himself with a hand on his chin and the other proving his hand up. A toster was toasting bagels, a pan had an egg sizzling on it, and the counter had a plate with cream cheese and smoked salmon next to it. Steven's eyes moved to the objects in the kitchen, with a serious intent behind them.

The toaster dinged and Steven's eyes widened, as the beagles popped up, Steven grabbed them with both in-between his fingers, he picked up the egg with a spatula and placed it on the beagle with smoked salmon on top.

"Yes! Perfectly timed afternoon sandwich complete!" Steven pumped putting a glob of creamed cheese on the salmon and placed the other half of the beagle on top, he was about to eat it but paused, "Wait, I can't eat such a perfect sandwich all on its own! It needs a side." Steven said in a 'duh' voice. "But what?" Steven asked, looking around the kitchen, until the sound of the temple opening captured his interest.

Steven turned his eyes at the door just as Amethyst walked out. "Oh, hey, Amethyst. I made lunch. You want to eat this empty container?" Steven asked with a smile as Amethyst walked over to the couch. "No, thanks." Amethyst declined. "O-okay." Steven stuttered, it wasn't like Amethyst to decline food like that, gem or not.

"You seen Garnet or Pearl?" He asked as Amethyst jumped onto the couch. "Nope." She said her voice muffled by the cushions. "Any idea where they might be?" Steven asked. "I don't know." Amethyst sighed, she sounded exhausted. "Somewhere not talking to each other." She said gripping her long hair with one hand.

Steven hummed, looking at the sandwich again until it clicked. "Wait, I know what this meal needs!" Steven declared going to he cabinet and opening it. "A bag of-" Steven cut himself off gasping, as a hand gripped the chips from inside the cabinet.

Steven looked at the figure. "Onion?!" He yelled as the child jumped out of the cabinets chip bag in hand. As he dove off to the exit. "What the..." Steven spoke, soon realizing he ran to the front door shutting it with an "oh no you don't!" However Onion saw no problem jumping through the screen beside the door.

"ONION!" Steven growled, opening the door to chase after the little fellow. "We just put that screen in!" Steven yelled chasing after the chip thief. "Come back here!" The boy yelled as Onion ran down the steps. The two made it out to the sand.

"Those every going to complete my perfect lunch!" Steven yelled after the fast child. Soon they made it to the rock, where Steven started to pant.

"It's a special flavor that's only in stores for a limited time!" He yelled after the fast child, Onion smiled as if luring the boy as they made their way to his house.

"I know how you are with food! You're not even gonna eat them! Atleast let me have just one!" The boy pleaded as Onion made his way into a opened tarp.

"This is it, Onion. Nowhere to hide." Steven panted as he went through the tarp.

"Now just- just drop the bag and- uh... Onion?" Steven said as he began to look around the inside, a bunch of paintings all of them resembled Amethyst in some way, but no Onion. Steven gasped as he caught eyes with a clear Amethyst painting. "Amethyst?" Steven sweated his voice cracking just a bit. "Uh... thats really weird!" He said, unable to take his eyes off the drawing of one of his friends, but running out of the tarp and back into the streets.

<Time skip>

"Um, so... I always knew Onion was weird, but... I think he's obsessed with you?" Steven trailed as he opened the curtain to show Amethyst the strange array of paintings of herself. "What do you think Amethyst?" Steven asked, before a sharp feminine voice cut through the place.

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