"excuse me?"

"I mean I know that sometime after having a baby it can be hard getting back into it" JJ let out, Celeste shook her head in suprise.

"okayyyy! what is going on?" Celeste let out.

"he's acting like a dick" Emily let out, Celeste let out a chuckle.

"okay, I don't know what to tell you guys, he's fine at home" she let out.

"Hey!" Morgan let out from the door, the four girls looked at him and he gestured to fallow. All four got up and started walking towards the door, Celeste grabbed JJ's arm making her stop. JJ looked at her, Celeste made sure that no one was around.

"How long did it take before you and will..." she asked in hush tones, JJ gave her a little smile.

"it took a while, what's stoping you from doing it?" JJ asked, Celeste let out a exhale.

"I'm scared it's not the same, kinda like he's not going to look at me the same. I mean he's been trying, but I..."

"been pushing away" JJ finished her sentence for her, Celeste gave her a nod.

"you need to have a conversation with him and tell him how you feel" JJ said, Celeste gave her a little nod.

"thank JJ" she said, JJ gave her a smile.

"no problem" she let out as they made there way on the catwalk where Morgan, emily and Pen were standing and looking at the bullpen.

"what's going on" JJ asked.

"The director showed up after Strauss and now that" Morgan said. Six men walked in the bullpen all fallowing Anderson towards the stairs on the other side of the room.

"U.S. Marshals" Celeste let out as they watched them walk up the stairs and to Hotch's office, Celeste looked down the catwalk to Rossi's office and he wasn't there.

"Reid where's Rossi?" she asked looking down at Reid at his desk.

"in Hotch's office"

"what's going on?" Morgan let out, Celeste watched as Anderson walked back down the stairs. Celeste let out a loud whistle making him look up, she gestured for him to come over. he walked up to the railing and looked up at her.

"talk" she let out, Anderson raised his shoulders.

"I have no idea I was told to wait for them at the elevator'

"by who?" she asked.

"the Director" he said, Celeste let out a exhale as she looked at Hotch's office. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. the door to te bullpen open again and three of the Academy teacher walked in and made there way towards Hotch's office.

"fuck this" Celeste let out and she started moving and making her way to her boss's office.

Aaron was standing behind his desk with Dave standing beside him. everyone was standing around the room when the three other bodies walked in the office.

"She's gone" one of the teahcers said.

"what you mean?" Strauss asked.

"no one has seen her since last wednesday, she hasn't been in any classes and trainning" the lady said. the director shook his head.

"what I want to know is how was this missed?" he said as he looked around the room.

"We don't search the recruits quarters, were in there personal life enough as it is and plus she was in a room by herself so no one would have known, but we checked and she left everything in there, that's where we found all the newspaper cut outs and the pictures."

"she went threw great lenghts to cover who she really was, when we did the background search everything was cleaned" Aaron looked at the Marshals who were all standing where the couch was with their arms crossed over their chest, Aaron looked at Strauss who gave him a little gestured towards the window, Aaron turned his head and Saw Celeste standing there and looking in the office at looking at him with a worried look on her face.

"lady and gentlemens were going to move this meeting in a more private room" Strauss let out as everyone nodded, the door open making Celeste jump. Strauss waiting until everyone was out and she looked at Hotch.

"take your time, and will meet you in the meeting room" she said, Aaron gave her a nod as he looked at the door where Celeste was standing now. moving out of the way for Strauss to walk pass, she didn't even look at Celeste as she made her way out.

"close the door" Aaron let out, Celeste did as told then looked at Dave that was standing in the corner beside Aaron. Celeste then looked at Aaron.

"what's going on?" she let out as she stood on the other side of the desk, she watched as Aaron let out a deep breath.

"Remember that recruit that approched us at the case presentation?" he asked, Celeste pulled her eyebrows together as she gave him a weird look.

"yeah, the one that was rude?" she let out, Aaron gave her a nod before he continued.

"well she's our unsub for the copycat case" he let out. Celeste looked at him confuse as she looked at Dave.

"The copycat case? the reaper copycat case?"" she let out, Aaron gave her a nod.

"But we didn't have any new case with that in almost a year" she let out, Aaron looked at her for a moment as he bit the inside of his cheek, and that's when Celeste knew.


"We had three other cases after that one" he let out, Celeste's eyes went wide as she shook her head at him.

"What do you mean? How did I not know about this?" she let out, Aaron let out a exhale as he looked at her.

"it was quiet after the hospital scare we had, but then the day you went into labour. I was coming back from another case like that and then the case I came back from last week was one of them" he let out, Celeste was shaking her head at him as she was pinching her lip between her fingers.

"with every case the threats on me continue and got worst" he said in a calm voice. Celeste looked at him as she put her hands down.

"what do you mean worst"


"I'm not talking to you" she raised her hand to Dave who was still on Aaron's side of the desk.

"Worst how?" she asked as she looked at Aaron again, she watched a he swallowed hard.

"pictures of our family showed up at the last crime scene and then I got a call from her with the mechanical voice over yesterday." Celeste let out a exhale as she put her hands on the back of the chair and let her head fall.

"I'm so sorry Celeste, I thought we were going to be able to catch her before it ever got to this" Aaron let out, Celeste shook her head as she looked at him again.

"Why is she not in custody?" she asked.

"Once we found out who she was, she probably got wind of it and she left Quantico" Dave answered, Celeste and Aaron looked at each other without a word. Celeste broke eye contact as she stood straighter and put her hands on her hips.

"who is she?" Celeste asked looking at Aaron.


"I wasn't asking you!" she shouted as she looked at Dave. Dave shut up as he watched the two go on like he wasnt there.

"She was going by Chloe Miles, but her real name is Isabelle Bertram" Aaron let out, Celeste mouth open in shock.

"what!" she shouted, Aaron gave her a nod.

"Isabelle Bertram is the daughter of Amanda Bertram and we think that she's..."

"The Boston Reaper's daughter" Celeste let out.

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