When Bellamy opened the back door (so they could move around in their seats and collect the barrels to head back to Arkadia) he hopped out and moved to meet Astoria, picking her up and spinning her around despite her protests. He knew she hated public displays of affection, but he found when her anger mixed with how flustered she got it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen.

He set her down but kept his hands on her hips, and Astoria let him as looped her arms around his shoulders. The other two present started to pack up the rover, but the couple waited before joining them. "Wasn't so scary, was it?" he quipped, and she rolled her eyes as he leaned down and kissed her softly.

She pulled away with a smile, unable to keep it down. "I'm still never doing it again," she assured, and he rolled his eyes before he swung an arm over her shoulder and pulled her into his side as they moved to help their friends. Everything felt so calm, and Astoria felt her heart twist. Her last few months on Earth were shaping up to be her best, and she hoped they'd remain that way. Everyone around her deserved happiness, and she was slowly starting to believe she did as well.


Present Day

The next nine days went by in a blur, and Astoria barely felt awake for any of it.

Only a day after she spoke with Oran, she started to notice that Raven was different. She was lying on her bed reading The Iliad, because despite the dread it brought her through memories of Bellamy, it was entirely too captivating. A part of her wanted to burn it, another wanted to hide it deep under her bed, and another wanted to hold it close to her chest as she cried. She didn't do any of the options, and simply forced herself to read.

Then Raven rushed inside, barely even noticing Astoria as she started to rummage through her dresser. The grounder raised an eyebrow and sat up to watch. It wasn't entirely unlike Raven to be frantic and unorganised, but Astoria was more focused on her leg. She was barely limping at all.

"You alright, Ray?" she asked after a moment, and the mechanic stilled before twisting to her friend with a smile. She looked like she was ecstatic towards life, and Astoria felt her body tense.

"I've never been better," she mused, turning and quickly getting back to her search. She pulled out a shirt and changed, and then she moved to leave.

Astoria got to her feet quickly, "Raven, what happened with your leg?"

The girl stilled, and then twisted. "Abby cleared me," she explained, voice happy. Astoria titled her head, not completely understanding. "Said it was something of a miracle."

Then she was gone, and Astoria barely saw her at all for the coming days.

Kane had come to her soon after he helped Octavia escape camp, and he told her his hopes to over throw the Chancellor. Astoria agreed to help immediately, just like he knew she would. He figured it was better to tell her than let her come up with her own plan.

She spoke with Thomas on day four. He found her sitting on top of the roof, watching over the camp in the dark. She didn't have a book with her, or any entertainment at all, because she found it increasingly hard to focus as the days with Pike in charge continued to pass.

When Thomas sat down beside her, Astoria didn't greet him right away. She felt guilty for how she treated him after she found the grounder army, and she was sure he was never going to speak to her again. Though, she should have known better. With most of Farm Station dead, including his parents, he didn't have many other people to talk to.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" she asked after a minute of silence, and Thomas shrugged his shoulders.

"The lady they have watching me isn't very good at keeping track of where I am," he explained, and Astoria couldn't stop her smile.

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