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Akito's Perspective:

Akito felt his head pounding as his eyes slowly opened. Still regaining his consciousness, he attempted to sit up. He was met with an intense pain. "It's best you don't do that." A nurse patted Akito's arm. "What's going on..?" Akito asked, realizing his voice was especially raspy. The nurse sighed. "You feel from a great height, shattering your leg. They had to stitch your back together as glass had been shoved deeply in you." The nurse explained apathetically.

Akito 's eyes widened, the light burning through his retinas. He felt dizzy as he looked down at his leg. "Shit... Where's Toya?" He asked, his memory fading back in. "...If you mean the guy who wouldn't stop bugging me about your wellbeing, he's right outside. He!s been there for hours, unfortunately." The nurse said rolling her eyes. It must've been a tough day for her, Akito thought. The nurse huffed as Toya, An, Kohane, and Ena came into the room. "Oh great, there's more?" The nurse said walking to the side.

"Akito..!" Ena yelped, grabbing ahold of his hand. Kohane and An gathered around her. "You worrried me sick! You idiot!" An scolded playfully, laughing off her tears. "Akito..." Kohane sniffled. Akito smiled slightly before frowning again. He noticed Toya standing in the corner, giving Ena, Kohane and An the chance to speak with him. While Akito appreciated their concern, he wanted to be with Toya. "Akito, please..! Don't do anything like that again!" Ena pleaded.

It was strange to see her so emotional, for him that is. He was used to watching her break down and take everything out on him. It was sort of comforting in a strange way... It made him feel like she cared for him as his sister. Something he longed for. He stayed silent a couple more seconds before finally speaking, "...Toya..." An chuckled mischievously, it was good to see that even in a situation like this she still kept her light-hearted nature. "Shinonome-san, Kohane we should let them be alone." An suggested.

Ena frowned. "But I..." Ena seemed to want to stay. However when she looked up to see Toya's troubled expression... "Yeah, I think you're right. Sorry." Ena sighed as she walked out with the other girls leaving Akito and Toya alone. With the addition of the nurse, of course. Akito watched as Toya hesitantly walked over to him. Akito observed Toya's body trembling, and the red bags that circled his beautiful eyes. Akito pushed himself up, trying his best to be gentle.

"Akito... You don't have to..." Toya was cut off by Akito throwing his arms around him. Toya melted down, trying to make it easier on Akito. Toya's knees touched the ground, making him eye level with Akito. Akito smiled slightly. "Toya, thank you." Akito said softly, planting a kiss on Toya's cheek. Toya smiled, accepting it dutifully and responding with a peck on Akito's lips. "Ugh, can't you guys get a room or something." The nurse huffed, ruining their intimate moment.

Akito was a little annoyed. Toya began laughing. "What's so funny?" Akito pried, furrowing his brow. "You're so cute when you're mad... I can't help it." Toya giggled. Akito blushed slightly at his words. The nurse rolled her eyes as she turned the other way. Akito took this as his cue to kiss Toya back. "I can't help it either you're too much..." Akito whispered, drawing Toya to blush a bit. "I'm just glad you're okay..." Toya replied, softly laying Akito back down onto the bed.

"You know... I could've died back there." Akito remarked teasingly. "You think..?" Toya replied with a frown. Akito's hand made its way to Toya's. "But I think, you're the reason I didn't." Akito yawned. He wasn't really sure what his words really meant, but they came from his heart. Toya's eyes widened before softening back down. "You need some rest, Akito." Toya sighed letting go of Akito's hand. Akito's arm waved in the air slightly before gaining control and grabbing Toya's shirt. "Don't leave... Please, I don't want to be alone again."

Akito said, his voice breaking. If he were completely honest, that fall terrified him. The way his hand just barely missed Toya's. The way the wind continued to blow as if nothing was different. "...Is that really okay?" Toya asked, facing the nurse. "... I suppose, do what you want." She said walking out of the room. "If you need me just call." She remarked finally leaving the scene. So, she did care, Akito thought as he smiled to himself. Toya dragged a chair over to sit beside Akito.

"Akito... I'm sorry you had to go through that." Toya apologized, his hand holding Akito's firmly. Akito smiled, the warmth of their fingertips intertwining sent butterflies through his stomach. "This time... I won't let go." Toya said, tightening his grip on Akito's hand. "Hehe, I'm so lucky... I can't believe I have someone like you in my life." Akito chuckled as he drifted off to sleep. Akito tried to keep his eyes open as long as possible, wanting to look at Toya more. His own dizziness and headache driving him to exhaustion.

Toya's Perspective:

Toya watched diligently as Akito's olive eyes shut slowly. Toya felt warm in Akito's presence. While he wasn't sure what the future might hold for the two of them, he was just happy that Akito had a future. He realized how much he taken that thought for granted. While there were plenty things he wanted to do right now. He wanted to scream and cry, yell and fight. He wanted Ryoko to feel every ounce of pain she had caused him and Akito. Yet, he remained calm.

Just watching Akito's chest rising up and down slowly through his soft breaths was enough. Just to see that Akito was still alive... He knew how kind Akito was, despite his tough exterior. He knew that Akito wouldn't want him to take everything out on Ryoko, even if she deserved it. For now, all Toya could do was stay by Akito's side. He wondered how he could go from cuddling his beautiful lover to almost losing him. The irony was frightening. It just showed how quickly life can pass.

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